
Wait what? I only started smoking meth because everyone else was doing it... YOU TELL ME THIS NOW!?

Oh, riiiiiight... I forgot, there's only one way to play games.

"The fuck hahahahahahahaha," wrote one 2ch commenter. Some wondered if the commercial was for real. (Yes, according to the National Association of Labour Banks' website it is!)

OK! First I'm going to preface by saying this is really gorgeous art work and I do enjoy it...

However, I have to ask, I can't be the only one tired of this style of pixel art? I get the whole retro trend going on right now, and it's fine - really... But this isn't how games looked back then.
Maybe on the Atari (if

Ah, fair points. It'd be interesting to see a solid stress test without anyone in the suit.

Dick Talens...?

(I'm five.)

I think I'm the only one unimpressed. What else does this do other change icons and improve voice commands??

The second video was a MUCH better representation of the gear. The first video was god awful, however.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but I don't care who you are; if you're getting hit like that dude is in the second video, you're going to do a lot more than stand there and take it.
They may not be 100%-for-the-kill its, but they've got some bite to them.

So you're living purely to get laid because married life isn't for you? And that isn't childish to you?

Good lord.

That is the WORST advice I have ever heard second to "pretend to be a nice guy."
Just fucking be real, no need to lie about anything or hyperbole.

Life isn't about "pussy." Grow up.

I'd get mad at you about the "this isn't games related" thing, but I just figured out why so many care about that... Kotaku STILL maintains their idiotic slogan "The Gamer's Guide."
No, Kotaku... You are not "The Gamer's Guide" anymore. You haven't been for a long time. You are a geek-inspired blog that frequently

Those footsteps. Oh my god.

Oh hey, thanks! :D
She's got some really interesting features. Something about her lips is amazing.

I'll have to follow her. :)

As in; the cosplayer isn't using this cosplay as an excuse to show off her tits. She's playing this character true to its origins without trying to sell her body.

And, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but a lot of cosplayers out there aren't particularly interested in "accuracy" these days. I'm wondering what the point

Oh noes! Reading! What a horrible part of online interaction!

NOTE: I mean you need to learn how to read.

Exactly why I can't stand her softcore porn... I mean pin-up... I mean cosplay. She rips the "character" right out of it and shoves breasts in our faces.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love breasts as much as the next person... But I cannot stand her and her attention-whoring.

A surprisingly non-breasty cosplay for Tifa. I approve!
She actually looks menacing, despite her relative softness in the face.

I love this. What an awesome cosplay.

I don't have any other devices capable of playing Netflix outside of my phone.
I have my PC hooked up to a bad ass monitor and sound system, though.

My PC is basically my only media device in my home (short of my girlfriend's and roommate's PCs).