
CT is so awfully skewed it isn't even funny. If you're anywhere other than the western counties; you're probably miserable if you aren't employed by Pfizer, Electric Boat, or management at the casinos...

There are a solid 6 errors in your first paragraph alone. All of which should have been caught with a quick glance.

A bit sensitive, huh? You can handle all the other inflammatory, hurtful things people say - but someone calls you out on your poor proofreading and that's too far? Accountability sucks.

Jesus Fucking Christ, where the hell is your editing?! Do you people even proof your shit or do you just type and hit "post"?

It's more efficient. Stop motion takes an absolute eternity to produce.

I'm in full favor of our police/military/armed forces having these in their equipment. They do need to be held accountable and comparing a gun of an armed professional (who is supposed to use it at a MINIMUM, if ever) is a terrible comparison to make on a random pedestrian with a gun.

Ooph, what a terribly cynical and berating review. I think they had the wrong reviewer on this one.

You what?
.... Get da fuck outta heeeeaaaah!

More than likely Bangaa, or some form of them.

Not even counting the net worth of the workforce in that area.

Neutral party here, but I'd be more than interested in seeing some sources for the "fact, that hunters hunt for the thrill and the power they feel when they take the life of another living being."
If it's a fact, surely you can back up with some reputable and credible sources?

Have you ever tried to use voice recognition in an even slightly noisy environment?

It kind of looks like the Truvia immediately became a liquid and was boiling, just at a much higher rate and temperature than any of us have likely seen.
The "webs" are effectively paths as the debris is shot out from boiling, which appear to be evaporating.

I'm no expert, but that's how it looks to me.

Ah, yes - the strings. Want to break it down on a chemical level for us and explain to us with your expertise why it's so bad for you based purely on that reaction?

One of the other forum members has offered up legal service to fight the fine, but it makes us wonder if all the G8 GT drivers in Maryland now have something to worry about. Should motorists who've bought a car approved by the Federal government be worried about being arbitrarily fined by a Judge who seems to side

Log Horizon (Season 2)

Confusing bombs... They separate into what appear swarms, but then only four explosions? What?

Seemed less like a robot and more like a man in a suit, as the image seemed to allude to the Avengers or other heroic teams to some extent.

Hahahahaha! I have only laughter for you!


My girlfriend was sitting behind me and was pestering me the entire time to shut it off because of how irritating it was.
Not even just her voice, but the way she acts and her curious accent.