CT is so awfully skewed it isn't even funny. If you're anywhere other than the western counties; you're probably miserable if you aren't employed by Pfizer, Electric Boat, or management at the casinos...
CT is so awfully skewed it isn't even funny. If you're anywhere other than the western counties; you're probably miserable if you aren't employed by Pfizer, Electric Boat, or management at the casinos...
There are a solid 6 errors in your first paragraph alone. All of which should have been caught with a quick glance.
A bit sensitive, huh? You can handle all the other inflammatory, hurtful things people say - but someone calls you out on your poor proofreading and that's too far? Accountability sucks.
Jesus Fucking Christ, where the hell is your editing?! Do you people even proof your shit or do you just type and hit "post"?
Ooph, what a terribly cynical and berating review. I think they had the wrong reviewer on this one.
More than likely Bangaa, or some form of them.
One of the other forum members has offered up legal service to fight the fine, but it makes us wonder if all the G8 GT drivers in Maryland now have something to worry about. Should motorists who've bought a car approved by the Federal government be worried about being arbitrarily fined by a Judge who seems to side…
Log Horizon (Season 2)
Seemed less like a robot and more like a man in a suit, as the image seemed to allude to the Avengers or other heroic teams to some extent.
Hahahahaha! I have only laughter for you!
My girlfriend was sitting behind me and was pestering me the entire time to shut it off because of how irritating it was.
Not even just her voice, but the way she acts and her curious accent.
That voice... I cannot believe I sat and bore that annoying voice for 4 minutes.
in all circles on the internet*
Ghibli? Eh, it reminds me more of The Last Airbender series or Ankama (Wakfu series), most especially the latter.
Still, beautiful artwork and looks like a fun idea. I'm a little disappointed by the seemingly simplistic, 2D gameplay, though. Maybe I'm wrong in how it looks, that remains to be seen.
You didn't understand my point.
The vehicle is stationary, as it is not moving. The rollers do not move, that's the point of them - keep a car in one spot so it can reach speeds.
If the vehicle is stationary, the camera - which was presumably used to capture this image - had to have been following the motion of the…
Hooraaaaay opinions! :D
SARCASM TIME: "I think you're confused on what Big Picture mode is actually for." - Yeah? What clued you in? Was it my asking for an explanation on what exactly it is? Or... Did you have some kind of epiphany when I asked, specifically, "I seriously am not understanding the point of Big Picture (aside from wireless…
Thank you very much! Now I get it. :p
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! Ok. That makes a thousand times more sense. Thank you oddly-friendly-internet-denizen.
This is borderline irrelevant, but could someone explain to me the difference between using Big Picture Mode and simply connecting a large monitor/tv directly into my PC?
I seriously am not understanding the point of Big Picture (aside from wireless streaming, I think?).
Help. I'm lost.