I'm not so sure. Think about it, they have to navigate a fairly clunky UI in a 3D space. Assuming no cheats or ease-of-access techniques were used, this requires a lot of jumping and manual dexterity.
If they DID use cheats/etc., I'd agree, though.
I'm not so sure. Think about it, they have to navigate a fairly clunky UI in a 3D space. Assuming no cheats or ease-of-access techniques were used, this requires a lot of jumping and manual dexterity.
If they DID use cheats/etc., I'd agree, though.
I will FOREVER love this art style.
You're really good at bringing irrelevant points. I was arguing about an RPG vs virtually any other weapon, as per your response. How "easily" this girl handled a gun isn't the point.
I'm not going to run in circles with you, especially considering you're choosing to ignore about half of what I said. I'm not going to repeat myself either, so thank you for your time. Good bye.
Ease of use: RPG < Gun, Knife, Bat, Fists.
In this case it isn't about how hard it is to get them (news flash: it isn't); it's about how hard they are to use effectively.
Show me your sources that prove regulations have ever prevented criminals from getting hold of deadly weaponry and I'll be more than happy to believe you.
We wouldn't have "kids with grenades" if we didn't have regulations - that's absurd and, ironically, lacks logic.
I would really like to understand why you started…
This doesn't USUALLY happen here either, hence being reported, so what's your point?
Regulations don't stop criminals - that's why they're called criminals.
You may not have won the internet, BadassNoor, but you won my heart. <3
I will never forget that taunt, "I will make weapons from your bones." something about the way he howled "bones" at you, with his giant cleaver.
The fact that you haven't lived here in a long, long time and still know her is indication of her fame.
Ah-ha, good eye. I was hoping this was case, glad to see the answer. :)
I didn't think she had all that presence, but the rest of that was fine (outside of some liberties taken with "believability").
Nope. As another user correctly explained, it's just test footage. Review my other comments.
Yes. I know.
Why is everyone lecturing me right now? I didn't voice any opinions nor did I express any knowledge of the matter outside of a fun anecdote. It was a joke from a doctor, nothing more.
I... I don't get it. What qualifies as professional "air guitaring"? Like, there were plenty of times where she didn't "air guitar" at all.
On the bright side, she's really cute. Is that wrong to say?
Is it horrible that I'm more offended that this children's drawing was approved than some of you are about the obvious porn/improbable pose?
Like... What team of idiots looked at this and said, "Yeah, this is cover material."
Yeah, wait, what?
If the guys behind Rorouni Kenshin do it, then hell yeah it's possible.
The little clip at the end of the... Clip... is a VERY different style than the rest shows. Which is supposed to be the in-game version?
Because if it's the "end" - I'm not interested at all... Hopefully combat becomes a little less jilted, too.
Actually, his joke was more about how he knows very little about nutrition as he has a very specific focus as a career.
He was also using the term "nutritionist" generally, versus your definition. But I appreciate the feedback, regardless.