
None of us have time for your ideal unicorn candidate who would go Full Mondale in a general election.

lol, people paying money for EA Sports games. Am I supposed to feel bad for them?

How sad that we don't already know what outdoor learning looks like.

Jesus Christ this website has been reaching for content this weekend.

He has. His current platform is very progressive, much more so than a year ago.

The other choice is the destruction of America. Sorry you think that "normal and boring" is shit.

This. I’m so sick of this shit. The house is on fire and people are arguing about the perfect pH and salinity of the water to use to put it out.

It’s hard to emphasize to the youngs how revolutionary WinAmp and Napster were circa 1999. Pretty much set the bar for what people came to expect from digital media experiences for the next 20 years.

Putin pulled the same shit in 2016 when he claimed Russia had an Ebola vaccine. Russia sucks, drop pretending otherwise.

Anyone buying an RTX 2000 series GPU right now is a sucker.

My “Marvel’s Avengers Is Not An Endless Grindfest” T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.

Nintendo: We are releasing 428 Mario games on Switch this month.

Find someone who loves you as much as Lobsang loves being an asshole.

Find someone who loves you as much as Lobsang loves being an asshole.

When they introduced Oppressive Darkness I actually paused and thought to myself, “wait, that might actually matter.”

But that’s par for the course with Destiny, though. Bungie releases a new overpowered weapon or buffs an ability, then it’s all you see for three months.

XBox Series S is a smaller cube shape with no disc drive and the same approximate hardware specs as Xbox One X.

SLI is dead.


I’m no germophobe, but I’ve always been bothered by the notion of touching someone to acknowledge that I’ve met them.

Seriously, I'd love to just have a plain ass iPod right now. Maybe add WiFi to allow streaming but still primarily an audio player and not an app delivery vehicle.