
Destiny 2 through Game Pass played on phone with Kishi is a hilariously awful experience. Strange that they have that as their product image.

Destiny 2 through Game Pass played on phone with Kishi is a hilariously awful experience. Strange that they have

Clearly you aren’t quantum enough

Imagine paying money for this

Imagine paying money for this

For those tired of putting up with Joy-Con altogether and prefer a more robust solution, the Switch Pro controller is your friend.

For those tired of putting up with Joy-Con altogether and prefer a more robust solution, the Switch Pro controller


Nintendo hasn’t given a shit about garbage on their platforms since Wii. That console was Shovelpalooza.

Indeed. Doom Eternal runs better than many games published 5+ years ago.

Doom Eternal deserves GOTY level praise just for how incredibly well optimized it is. You could get 100 fps running that game on a potato.

Yeah, as of like 13 minutes ago.

To me the worst was the fact that Roku and Amazon Fire devices didn’t get HBO Max apps until like last week. Up until then I was able to use an “HBO” app which had the HBO content and nothing else. I also have a PS3 laying around that I guess they have no intention of supporting.

When literally anything new ever comes out.

The first 30 minutes or so had a SERIOUS Reeve Superman vibe.

Of everything that bothered me about WW84, the notion of “there was a near-apocalypse involving literally every person on Earth in 1984, and 30 years later there is nary a hint or mention of it.”

You might make your CPU extra crispy.

Games With Gold has basically turned into “shut up and get on Game Pass.”

I don’t understand who this laptop is for exactly.

This is pretty much the entire list right here.

His “meh, I’ve seen worse” reactions to catastrophic chaos are really great.

Guillermo’s last name (de la Cruz...“of the Cross”) was a giant spoiler in plain sight the whole time. I freaking love that show.

Frankie Adams has improved her acting skills significantly this season. Her wooden delivery was borderline cringey when she debuted, way better now.