I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.
I was taught in j-school to write for clarity and that if an activist group tried to police your language, to throw their tips in the trash. you can’t cover this story without using the both names. otherwise there is no story.
Lol. If you remove it right now I’ll forgive you.
I wish the parental controls on the Switch were geared towards sharing of the console between parent and child. For example, I want to lock my kids out of using my profile, and restrict their profiles to certain games.
Don’t feel bad. No one should play Madden, ever.
It kind if reminds you of this website, doesn't it?
Fuck the CCP
I’ve said the same thing so many times. The console wars are over.
Why would you play PS4 on a ultrawide though? It just means pillarboxing on both sides?
I think parksonian was meaning the peripherals go both directions. PS1 controllers can work for PS2 games (almost the whole library, I believe). PS2 controllers can be plugged into a PS1 and work as a Dualshock 1 controller. Only memory cards couldn’t go both directions.
Microsoft is making this possible for the Series X, so that’s why it’s a thing, although Fahey not mentioning that is weird to me.
I don’t know anyone who thinks this, outside of folks who have solely bought Playstations since PS1. Xbox controllers (360 or Xbox One tbh) are arguably the best non-custom/boutique controllers in the world.
That may be true, but I just wonder about how that works out for the rest of your life, even being from Havard and having maximum white privilege. Trump is going to be out, whether it’s soon, or in four years or whatever, and she’s going to be remembered as his willing stooge. She won’t be suitable for any…
She positions herself as very infuriatingly smug and dumb at the same time, but she’s definitely not. I don’t think she’s *that* smart — she’s extremely organized and her incessant smugness helps short circuit your thinking, but I don’t think she’d come across nearly so well if she didn’t have that binder ,and if the…
It is also important from a rhetorical standpoint to differentiate between a statement that is a lie and a statement that is simply inaccurate. President Trump and his ilk deal in the former. Many others will put forth the latter, at times, yet will wind up labeled as the former, which is not constructive.
when you watch her and think she’s dumb...she’s not talking to you
This is the same company that gave us Kingdom Hearts 358\2 Days and Dissidia duodecim 012 Final Fantasy.
Watch them rename it to FF XVI
The problem is we went through this exact same scenario with no NHL 14 on next gen, then NHL 15 a year later was a horrifically embarrassing shell of a game