
Epic and Fortnite annoy me slightly more than Apple does, so I'm good.

For that price, you can even get a good one!

For that price, you can even get a good one!

Cultural Marxism is literally a far right conspiracy.

My quitting point in COD (can’t even remember which game it was) was when they started using official logos for the gun manufacturers. There is a 0% chance Activision did this for free, so they were running literal gun ads in a game played by children.

It’s challenging because Bezmenov’s comments on Soviet active measures and disinformation are 100% true and real. But then he goes into “...and that’s why any government program means communists are trying to infiltrate and destroy America” and

They announced it will be included (with the new DLC) in Xbox Game Pass, so at a minimum we know it will be on Series X.

I’ve always been a big fan of Roku until now. I’ve liked their products a lot, and they were always priced right.

There’s a cool theory going around that the Guardian subclasses correspond to the fundamental forces of physics:

If you do this you are stupid.

I’d have rather seen both teams dressed, taken the court, then just sat on the floor and refused to play on live television with a 0-0 score and the game clock ticking.

Democrats love America like a spouse, we acknowledge imperfections but strive to make each other better.

lol, also Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

True, but Bloomberg is a credible source on video game news and Schreier being there is a big reason.

Bloomberg = Jason Schreier = credible.

A lot of 3rd parties are evil, they just want to put deceptive, money grab routines into these phones

There might even be some happiness, too. Fuck this noise, GIVE ME GRIM

Sinbad should play Sinbad:

Cool, maybe they'll sell one.

Goddamn it, why in the hell are you people still giving Facebook your data? Stop.

Anyone who needs to take this advice to heart should be institutionalized.