
It’s from Bungie’s style guide, don't know the reasons.

A particular typeface really can set a mood. This one in the Destiny UI feels like the goddamn FUTURE.

No apology is accepted. You fuckers knew exactly who he was.

Or maybe you shouldn't consider the actions of a few idiots to be representative of her entire fanbase. Just a thought!

They are literally refusing to give the children of American military personnel born overseas birthright citizenship because they are likely to be brown and vote for Democrats.

You Need To Calm Down is a song about being a perpetual shithead on Twitter.

Just look at that guy’s fucking head. I don't even have anything clever to say.

Maybe I’m the only one who’d buy it...but I’d love a Switch the size of a phone, with the ability to attach (awkwardly larger) Joy-Cons but with the intent of removing them before putting it in a pocket.

To be clear, we are not facing this environmental crisis because “politicians are inclined to bicker.”

“From now on I see a red hat, I kill the career of the man wearin’ it. So run, you cur.

Part of me will be eternally skeptical that Zephyr Teachout is a real name.

Occam’s Razor. His base are gullible fucking morons.

“Astounding Lack of Clarity”

It’s cute how you think Disney "wastes money" without the express intent of making profit.

More and more, I feel like “I don’t care, do whatever the hell you want" is the single most enlightened position on all LGBTQ issues.


I wonder why we keep calling it "libertarianism" when it's actually anarchy.

still sucks

It’s precious how you think this was an oversight and not wholly intentional. This is the same company that released a G.I. Joe toy line called “Sigma Six” with a straight face. Everything is dollars.

Yeah, there definitely wasn’t a “Republicans buy sneakers, too” moment in that meeting.