
Spending forever moping over a girl and slathering her with unwanted attention, only to be rejected and then spend the big dance in the corner feeling terrible? This isn’t a game, this is “My junior high school experience.”

I can’t even begin to express how much I identify with this as the owner of an extremely difficult dog, and the owner of a (now long dead) extremely pain-in-the-ass cat. When they’re gone we miss everything good, and the bad things we hated about them, well, we forget them.

What, we’ve never seen a dumb death before? Beth’s death was utterly stupid.

I think you may be right there. :)

I almost can’t imagine how Syfy could’ve done a better job bringing this book to the screen. Well, I can think of one way: bring the entire book at a time. The mid-season cliffhanger doesn’t have enough oomf to it. But the cast..the music...the sets. Man. So perfect.

indeed. I was a game journo for a while, and we had standards. Handing the torch to youtube/twitch means you never know who’s competent and abiding by rules, and who’s shady. Journos were professionals, trained, usually with degrees. Youtubers and twitch, not so much.

Yeah, I’ve had dermatillomania my entire life, or at least...the last 27 years since I hit puberty. It’s..not a lot of fun. I wear long sleeves and jeans all summer.

There’s no Doctor more criminally underused. He was great in the tv movie, even if everything around him was awful. He was great in the Big Finish audios. And in one six minute scene, he reminded us what a magnificent period the Eighth Doctor’s time could’ve been.

came here to more or less say this. Let his skeevy tendencies never go unnoted when discussing him. The things Xanth did to my tender young just-pubescent mind...ugh.

Entirely agree with the negatives. It’s a fun game, it’s just an insult to everything Fallout was supposed to be. The RPG elements are almost entirely gone. This is an action game with RPG-lite elements, and while I’d recommend it as a ton of fun, I’d also say it insults a once-great franchise.

I will be SO poring over this stuff. I grew up on these fantastic games, they were among the first games I ever played, starting around 1988. LOVE THEM!

My virginity bothered me because I was raised in our culture that taught me “without sex with girls you are a loser.” I couldn’t make it STOP bothering me, so I instead took steps to stop being a virgin.

Dillahunt has been one of my favorite actors ever since season one of Deadwood, but...Negan? Isn’t he supposed to be a big burly dude? Well, Dillahunt can make anything work, so whatever. I’m down.

I don’t know. I played it a LOT and mostly problem free. I feel kind of bad about returning something I spent so much time with. (55 hours)

Could not agree more with most of this. The darkness and the light were perfectly contrasted, and the whole ep felt like the work of assured, confident masters of their craft. So many feelings, and so much laughing and was so PERFECT.

It may come with the two expansions, but they’re non-canon, AND godawful. Just...skip them entirely if you play FEAR.

Yeah, these guys. They’ve sort of always been like this. Nothing, but nothing, will ever satisfy them but Fallout 1 all over again exactly the same but completely different and brand new. They seriously intensely loathe Bethesda, feel NOTHING in the franchise is worthwhile except FO1 (FO2 was too funny! Too many

I worry that people will be put off. It is, story wise and campaign wise, in many ways superior to SS2. But the interface, sloppy design of many MANY excess and useless powers/’s a fantastic game. But it required infinite patience to get into it and I played it back in 1999 (just before SS2). I do’nt know

As a 40 year old man, I think women in their 20s are very beautiful. But the last three women I’ve been with were 45, 36, and 33, and all attractive (in whatever way one can even use such a subjective term). What sort of guy only wants women 30+ years his junior? I don’t know if I’d date a 23 year old if one was even

I was a typical hypocritical fat young man when I finally lost my virginity, on a friend’s girlfriend’s couch to a drunk girl who’d showed up and demanded to crash on the same couch, as the only place to sleep. She was large. And I didn’t want her on the couch and I was loaded. Then she started touching my hair