
Cheers to you, as a fellow “suddenly very sick and stuck in a hospital for 50 days” clubmember. THe hell i put my parents through haunts me to this day, even if I remember nothing of the first five days or so of the worst of it.

Squall is a mopey sad sack, the other party members characters are chirpy energetic doofuses, the combat is terrible and time-wasting, and the game is full of dopey plot twists?

It’s icky, and I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. This would be the absolute end of my family. I already don’t like my brother, but if he’d dated a girl who left me FOR HIM? That’d be the end of speaking to both for them for life.

AND the criminally underrated Freedom Fighters.

Long and loose, no beard, Witcher 1 style, that’s how Geralt should roll.

This..really is very, very stupid. I mean, entertaining video, but wow. Dude who got yourself stung, you are one foolish individual.


Who the hell do they think will take their job seriously, without even being paid? Everyone who gets this position is gonna abuse it.

For the love of god don’t bring it back. From the terrible CGI Death Incarnate to the terrible CGI demon to the sex mist that possessed a girl, this show was just..largely a disaster. Children of Earth was the only good season of a largely terrible work. And I say this as a fan.

I was in a tiny guild of less than 20 people, and I think like..5 were online regularly and none other. Friendly guys, really laid back, one dad and two grown-up sons, etc. Great people. We didn’t really do much beyond mess about, i think.

Every now and then I fire up this clip just because it’s SO FUN to watch Spock well, frankly, pwn a punk.

Everybody collects something. Me, I collect regrets about what could’ve been! And resentments!

These are all valid points, I love HL2 for its gameplay and level design, but the story fanwanking all over me the entire time I’m trying to play it, when no one outside a small circle should even know who Gordon is, isn’t the reason. The reason is HL3 would cost a fortune and inevitably displease as many people as it

Nice to see them get a wider audience, but I picked them up on GOG when they first showed up there, since GOG does a lot of work to make old games run beautifully and Steam doesn’t have quite the same track record.

In other words it’s not that humans aren’t built for monogamy, it’s that that one human (Hugh Grant) isn’t.

What has fiction ever done but build up hopes that get smashed to pieces in your 20s and 30s? I’d love to see an end to stories where the hero gets the girl because he IS the hero and he did the right things, like she’s a prize. It took me longer than it should’ve (and fiction didn’t help) to see women as people and

Well, I’ll translate what it means when *I* say it, I don’t know about most men: “Thank you so much for this, I came and it felt SO good, and you’re the reason why.” “I’m feeling the moment very strongly as a result of endorphins and I’m too overwhelmed to say I love you/thank you.”

Love the Gaben vid. Would’ve preferred if they’d used a newer episode tho :)

WhatI’m thinking? I’m thinking I don’t have a DS. When it hits steam let’s talk

Does it matter how often, scientifically, you need to shower when societal norms demand it or you face pretty serious judgement from the world around you? Yeah, it’s great, I’d like to shower less often, but