
When it came out and I bought it, I loved it for everything it tried to do that nobody had ever tried before. I admit I had little trouble because I followed advice on how to cheese it (by going assault rifle, etc). It really was a unique and special gem.

Don’t much like condoms, but I like 18 year burdens and STDs even less. They’re certainly nothing I can’t handle, not using them is far too risky.

I’d give a lot to undo the last 15 goddam years. Or even better, to just fast-forward to when the entire damn planet’s economy isn’t in the toilet because of 2001, and then 2008. Best years of my 20s and 30s screwed by this shit.

I only realized at about age 34 that you’re supposed to push the tab of a disposable coffee cup lid back into the recess in the lid in order to hold it out of the way of your mouth. I usually just tore the tab off and made a mess :/

Yeah, same boat. A lifetime of ‘ew!’ taught me to stop speaking to women, for the most part. I’m polite, but I never assume I’m being hit on, and I never pursue.

i’m glad to have spent my life unattractive and aware of it. I don’t understand the male viewpoint at all, even though I am one, that sees every girl who ever says anything to you as “She likes me!” I’ve never gotten that. I’ve always assumed the opposite, and probably missed some opportunities.

Sometimes your family is poison. Sometimes, however well they mean, they smother and warp you beyond all repair. The best thing you can do is leave, and never go back.

Thanks all. Very helpful answers!

But will it be safe on day 1 for PC gamers? I’m not threatening the ability to play my games with a day one install of a new OS.

It’s going to be hard? Yes. And thats’ why people divorce so rapidly now. Nobody has the patience to stick anything out in an age when divorcing isn’t taboo anymore. Or maybe we’re not even meant to be together long term?

YES. I absolutely loved that fight scene. It was brutal and desperate and felt incredibly real.

There’s nothing sadder than refusing to admit you’re old and un-hot. Fortunately like so many others, I’ve been unhot my entire life and have had little difficulty adjusting to being invisible to women, as I’ve spent my life that way. Age gracefully and accept that you’re not hot to women least you were

No. No no no. You hurt me too many times when I felt hope, Heroes. No, never again. :(

This all looks SO GOOD. I’m not sure about all the actors but I can be convinced. Thomas Jane is too fit and healthy to play Miller, the guy playing Holden is just...I dunno. Too young? Something. Naomi’s actress is just completely perfect. The lady playing Avasarala is well, I don’t know, she just doesn’t seem

I really get confused by people hating on Arkham Knight when they call it the worst. Did you guys not play Arkham Origins? This is seriously worse than that one is to you?

Carrey, McCarthy and their ilk are directly responsible for numerous deaths and should absolutely be prosecuted for it.

Very cute and very, VERY stupid. A bear is a wild animal. A large, dangerous, unpredictable animal that could kill a human with minimal effort. This man is a fool.

Yeah, BP’s pizza is not great. And nor is there..well, anything else. Though they seem to excel at ‘slow, shitty service’.

God. The only reason this story doesn’t match mine exactly is that when Burning Crusade came out, I had a dog. Her existence forced me to get up and take care of a living creature, including myself!

Anybody remember how Baldur’s Gate II had an actual warning to players to please stop playing occasionally and eat, amidst its many other loading screens telling you helpful tips about D&D rules? I do. Mostly because the day it came out I ignored them and played in the middle of a blazing heat wave until I passed out.