
EXACTLY. Do the devs not know what the authorities did with cattle thieves and such back in the day? It involved a noose!

Not to mention if one member of a herd is attacked, the others will go completely mad and stampede. Sometimes they’ll do it without even being provoked, and being run over by a herd of one ton animals is a quick death even for a witcher.

After all the hoaxes, nope. Won’t believe it til I’m installing it.

I was in the beta, early as can be, when warlocks and paladin mounts were simply given to us, and we were the envy of all the other classes :) Then they added the quests and holy crap was the Paladin quest to get the mount a tough one.

She was so great on Dead Like Me. The woman’s a real character.

Hysterical man’s choice of icon is rather amusing, considering the pod people were anything but hysterical :D

I’m a hugely nostalgic person and I just...I had to learn to let it go. The feeling is tied to the place, the time, and who you were then. WoW is no different. I’d never go to a vanilla server (or play WoW as it is now. I quit in 2009) because everything is too different, including me.

I was in university in the mid-90s, and while not a fan of the show, I remember that poste rof her lying down, which was EVERYWHERE in the male dorm floors, and that haircut, which was everywhere on girls’ heads. It looked nice at the time, but doesn’t everything?

Nope. KOTOR.

“This really hurtsh! I’m going to need some ICE CREAM!”

This video is a good reminder that we reaaaally need a squirrel girl film.

I only have a 780, but I’m really happy with how this game is running for me. It’s really smooth at a lot of high settings.

Devils' Advocate is the most 90s of all 90s movies. And it works so beautifully well.

Have one? No. CAUSED one? Yes. I stepped on the bride's train on the way out of the church and ripped it. Hoo boy.

And on April 12, they'll delay to April 26. Whatever, all the more time for Pillars of Eternity!

Honestly the details are just incredibly hazy to me at this point, thanks, I don't even remember the timeline reset anymore. Kain's and Raziel's VAs are both still alive, even if Tony Jay isn't, it could be done. But a reboot must've sounded better to Square..well, until it didn't, anyway.

Sad, very sad. I loved the LoK games. But in a way this might be for the best. The story concluded permanently at the end of the last game. Without Raziel, Kain, and the Elder what's the point. They WERE that series, their voice actors (Simon Templeman, Michael Bell and Tony Jay) were that series. I suppose out with

The PS4 version looks gorgeous. I'll be buying it on PC, myself, but all the next-gen versions feature the same improvements, so, woo hoo! I'm still working my way through DS1, so I am totally waiting to buy Scholar of the First Sin.

I'm just going to straight-up say this game was everything to me, it was the epitome of late 80s DOS gaming, it was the best thing Sierra ever did, hell it was even genuinely emotional and moving at times, it was impossible NOT to come to care for your Katta friends and Abdullah as well as Rakeesh and...they just

I was a last minute replacement usher at the wedding of two friends in 1999, and I stepped on the dress's..trail..thing..whatever that is..on the way out of the church and ripped it. I'm still not sure how I got out alive.