Rhodes Scholar.
Rhodes Scholar.
It’s a fun game of “Who’s Not-Bernie this Week?”
Winterfell is a false flag!!! King’s Landing was the true target all along. When Bran learns that all of King’s Landing has been zombified, he’ll travel back in time and convince Aerys to place wildfire throughout King’s Landing.
That’s really rich coming from a corrupt politician that uses militant tactics against his oppositions and did nothing against real militants that killed police officers...
Statistically they aren’t.
I fully expect his employers to put a stop to this and punish him appropriately. They are an upstanding organization who has a well documented history of rebuking offensive and immature behavior, be it in word, image or deed. One can always trust them to do what is right, not because they stand to gain, but because it…
What’s the problem here? He’s a football player, and was hit late. I would have said the same thing.
Guess I’m in the minority here, but if a player is trying to hurt me (whether it be that play or the 147 other in the game) and gets hurt in the process. I’m either laughing at him or saying the exact same thing Rivers did.
That is the correct response when someone tries to lay an illegal hit on you, and that player winds up injuring himself.
Draymond Green : NBA :: Ted Cruz : Senate
A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”
Pffffft. Call me when they get generations of African labor for free. THAT is how you build a country....
For me, it will always be Midnight Meat Train.
Counterpoint: fuck misogynists.
Oh thank god that Dictionary Guy is here to save the day.
Buy rechargeable AAs and get over yourself (all xbox AA haters/idiots). You can buy the rechargeable pack (as mentioned in the article) or better yet use standard rechargeable AAs and have even more freedom. (Amazon Basics or Eneloops are today’s go to brands, just get the standard ones that have more charge cycles).…