
His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

Hey Benioff and Weiss, don’t you have racist fan fiction to write? Or are you too busy putting babies on ice?

There is way that comparison is true.

There is way that comparison is true.

you must be in a state of denial. These fucksticks fumbled the story, pacing, characters/development, dialogue, unresolved plot lines... etc. without the books to go off of, these two are talentless hacks who managed to fail upward. Aren’t these the same two assholes that thought making a show about the south winning

That is a totally bullshit reductive take on the criticisms of the last season, and you know it. 

And they were definitely on DSII in at least one shot there.

Because no one has made a super healthy burger substitute that tastes mostly like a real burger. Until that happens a lot of people are choosing to eat a substitute that is basically as unhealthy as a real burger, but doesn’t kill an animal or hurt the environment. I hope we get to the point where we can eat something

Let me get this straight, you (and apparently the beef industry) are afraid that beef is going to be taken down by the veggie burger industry? It isn’t going to happen. Not only is your preferred source of protien and vitamins going to be freely available for the foreseeable future, it just is not going to disappear.

B12 and vit. D are supplemented to livestock animals though.. It’s not something that naturally occurs in animals, you’re just getting the supplements filtered through them anyways.

It’s healthier in a “less carcinogens” and “better for the global environment” way and not in a hypertension or obesity way. 

pushing the narrative that there is something effeminate

Oh, come know your hand wasn’t empty while you were reading this article.

How is a ball that went foul by a few feet, with an enthusiastic ball boy 'very lolmets'? They also won the game and are now six games over .500. The weird Mets hatred and mockery around here is so lazy and stupid. 

Playing against the Blue Jays and Orioles nearly 40 times a year?

What’s even worse is that a string broke on the world’s tiniest violin.

Could have been worse. At least he wasn't traded to the Knicks. 

Sure other people called for his resignation, but she was one of the first and definitely the loudest. It’s a bit disingenuous to act like that had nothing to do with anything. Yes, ultimately he chose to resign but it didn’t happen in a vacuum. He wanted an investigation. He was pressured to resign and Gillibrand was

...but McGrath is a self-described moderate who believes the Democrats currently running for president are veering too far to the left. She doesn’t support eliminating private insurance under a Medicare-for-all plan, nor does she support subsidizing healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She also describes herself as

Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble.