Every off-season the Nationals were treated like a powerhouse, and every year they reminded us that they’re baseball’s Cincinnati Bengals.
Every off-season the Nationals were treated like a powerhouse, and every year they reminded us that they’re baseball’s Cincinnati Bengals.
If the NFL doesn’t know what a catch is, how could they ever understand a catch-22?
“I use the word ‘faggot’ to call people ‘retards,’”
because free agency is a reward for toiling for 5-10 years being RIDICULOUSLY underpaid.
Did someone say Gladius?
You are a dumb fuck.
Nothing screams “LET’S GET RID OF HUMAN REFEREES” like a wristband dedicated to not doing your job well.
Fuck these guys. Bring on the robots.
I knew someone who went to school with him; he couldn’t shut up about how much he hated the Mets.
Take this add on. Open with Hillary saying something bland about standing by her husband from back in the day. Cut to Trump all “women should be arrested for abortion/no ewual pay/ no maternity leave/ lack of contraception access/” Close it out with Women’s Rights are Human Tights from the Bejing speech under the…
When white people do this or leave their guns out for their children to shoot themselves, they’re just exercising their second amendment rights, not being negligent
Hooray for strawmen!
Eh, we had a nice run. It always felt like we were playing with house money.
So she went as a Kardashian?
TBS, you can have the Braves back. In return, PLEASE never air a playoff game again...
I’ve always assumed that after trying to plan a massive story, someone just got up and:
So long as people like you die with it, I’ll happily drive the human race into the ground myself.
they sold a gutted, shell of what could have been one of the best games ever. thats what they sold.