It’s also a decidedly weird conclusion that marginalized people are all fashionable and white people aren’t? What a bizarre stereotype to try to invent.
It’s also a decidedly weird conclusion that marginalized people are all fashionable and white people aren’t? What a bizarre stereotype to try to invent.
Two things. One:
I mean, I feel you, but you’re kinda coming out swinging here. There are plenty of dev tools named after animals and to call that inherently racist is a huge stretch.
If you need examples, there’s no shortage of programming tools and languages named after animals:…
We have screenshots of that tool with that name on the title bar of the application.. so you are objectively wrong. It is also ENTIRELY possible that whoever used the bonobo placeholder only knows that term as a piece of software they use leftover from the Bungie years and not as a type of ape. I didn’t know that…
My guess honestly is that the majority of the tech-focused individuals who do QA wouldn’t have any idea what a bonobo is (I certainly didn’t before this controversy) so they just didn’t realize it was an issue. If I was in QA and this passed by me, I’d see no issue with it, unless part of the QA process is getting the…
This is a reach, that’s a perfectly OK build. It is actually very cool and fun to run an int/dex build where you adjust towards mageiness or slashiness as necessary.
Whether Rock will face Academy-backed repercussions for going off script isn’t clear.
They lay out the story like you’d have to run across it in real life. Random and all over with all people experiencing their own little dramas.
You have a very restrictive view on what constitutes narrative and world building. RPGs have traditionally relied on very simplistic and straightforward methods of communicating with the player. The player is given a gods-eye view of the plot via scrolling text (or something equally forced) that informs them what…
Dude, it’s not like that many of the New York Yankees players were born in the tri-state area or anything.
He starts off the whole trilogy being the cop who’d be proud to have the punisher skull on his patrol car because he thinks the Punisher has some good ideas.
By all accounts (that I’ve read), he was successful in his EP role, especially in helping steer the ship through Trebek’s illness and death. I think this new information disqualifies him from an on-screen role, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go.
Unpopular opinion maybe, but is being sleazy in a podcast 7+ years ago really worthy of cancelling this guy from all employment opportunities?
Curt did lose his ass on it. He invested something like 50 million. People don’t have to like him personally, but by all indications he took the studio very seriously and worked hard to get funding to keep the studio alive. I followed the story very closely back then and the governor really had no business making…
I really, really, reallllly can’t wait for COVID to be over (one day, someday, far away...) so that people can get the fuck outside again. Holy shit we all need to stop being online so much.
“And I freaked the hell out.”
Hey, snark all you want but I stand by this. Pierce was the foil/antagonist who drove most of the best stories and the show didn’t feel remotely the same after Chase left.
This is such a reach, because you’re choosing to interpret what he said in the worst possible way. Especially since you even mentioned that he said he was using it in the general sense and not the typical American way of using it.
Hasan’s fucking annoying and I got through about two minutes of that video before I couldn’t stand listening to him anymore (I’m glad a bunch of kids like a leftie tho, yadayadayada), and I don’t understand why he said what he did about dream while, as was evident in the minute I listened to, fully understanding why…