That’s how soft people have become lol. They can take a cute anecdote about a guy playing video games with some kids and turn it into his being some arrogant monster.
That’s how soft people have become lol. They can take a cute anecdote about a guy playing video games with some kids and turn it into his being some arrogant monster.
I’d say “Joel Embiid came to my house and schooled me in Madden and 2K” is a better story than “Joel Embiid came to my house and let me beat him in Madden and 2K like I was a Make-a-Wish kid” lol. The latter shows more respect for the kids, treating them like they’re on the same level.
This has been an issue since the beta, which is what I thought the purpose of a beta was lol. Idk how such a glaring issue can go unnoticed for so long.
He didn’t do a great job hosting, he was awkward, visibly nervous and fumbled his words at multiple points. He said himself that even his wife told him his appearances weren’t great when he got off stage. Not sure what him wearing a mask or shopping at Staples has to do with his hosting ability. But yeah, racism 😒
I’m on a launch Xbox One and I had this issues pop up about a month or so ago, so it’s definitely been happening longer than mid-August. I was randomly greeted with a black screen one day, with the only video elements popping up being the sign-in notification that appears as you head into the dashboard and the…
Referring to getting on a rocket, flying 53 miles above the Earth’s surface and experiencing zero-gravity (on the “edge of space” or otherwise) as “a dumb amusement park ride” is a new level of jaded lol. Dude’s saltier than a damn pretzel!
With the pearl-clutching tone you took, I was waiting for some racist/sexist quote from him that never came. Instead, a 20 year old quote of him being angry about video game design. You know, the kind of thing you’d expect a guy with the title of game director at a massive gaming company to be passionate about.
The quote doesn’t imply that the wife is the cause of the stress, just that telling her that you need to unwind with some Xbox isn’t a valid thing to do.
A friend introduced me to the show via Remedial Chaos Theory and that’s the episode I used to pitch it to my wife. A great demonstration of the characters and writing!
Your unwillingness to have a civil conversation with this person, and your subsequent arrogant and personal attack on them without engaging the substance of their post or explaining why they’re wrong, is the fundamental problem facing our society and politics today.
I was actually confused by that line. I just beat the game and I dont remember having to hold LT to climb, I thought you just needed to hit it once to initially grab onto the surface then you could let go. I’d confirm but I deleted the game after I 100%’ed it a day before this surprise content drop...
“When they said it would be a police woman skin, we assumed it would of course be sexually objectifying, and feature an obsolete police officer skirt,” Anna said. “But we were moved that they dressed her like actual Korean police officers.”
Don’t worry, he’s not trying to tell anyone what they can or can’t do. It’s just this thing called an “opinion.”
I simply refuse to believe this isn’t a troll post. The profile pic just takes it over the top lol.
“Although it makes sense for Blizzard to cater to what they believe their audience’s tastes are, one insider says that if Blizzard wants to be a force for change, they might have to make bolder decisions.”
What “bolder decisions” can Blizzard make other than having multiple gay characters in their game and fully…
“Speedrunner Beats Super Metroid After Furious Masturbation Session”
Players can vote you into the brig if they have a majority, at which point you get placed in a very tiny cell with little room to do anything besides emote. The whole “locked up for hours” thing would never happen though because anyone who is voted into the brig and doesn’t immediately get an explanation as to why…
> But he was put on the fast track to leadership of the Night’s Watch because of his name
This article could have just been a headline reading “People On the Internet Are Still Rude, Entitled Cunts” and the message would have been fully received.