
Halo:ODST 2

Only if it uses Kinect to allow you to yell your attack names and requires you to give hot blooded speeches every once in a while

In the U.S., maybe. The rest of the world has given up on overpriced SMS. If your messaging client doesn't have multiplatform support, it will fail outside the U.S.

That is a stupid suggestion that points to a complete lack of understanding about how science works. If anyone ate high fat red meat (like ground beef) for a month they would be worse for wear, pink slime or not. In order to properly test this, you would need two groups, one eating ground beef with pink slime and one

I was going to point out the same thing. Either those are some pretty badly timed screenshots, or this game looks like ass.

The way i see it, dogs are never happier and nevel feel safer than when they are with their humans. We have spent thousands of years selectively breeding this traits into them, so i'm willing to bet the dog was never scared or uneasy. He was with his human, so what could be wrong?

Renault keeping the insanity from the Renault 5 Turbo alive. Good to see the legacy keeps going.

The writer clearly doesn't know anything about cars...

Yeh, it was the first thing i noticed. I guess with more budget and better tech they can afford the relatively more detailed manga designs.

If you have gaming PC try Assetto Corsa. It makes Gran Turismo feel like Need for Speed.

Meenova: an easy and relatively cheap to add removable storage to the increasingly large amount of devices shipping ithout MicroSD slots. It's small and sturdy enough that i use it even when i keep my phone in my pockets without any issue. http://www.meenova.com/

Macross was originally supposed to be a sort of parody/deconstruction of Gundam, but it sort of ended up growing up as it went and taking on a life on it's own. Thus, Macross tends to be less dark and dense than Gundam

I miss fat Rex

A better way may be to start making better movies...

Vin's character appears to be rocking the Hand of A'dal title. Fi you know what that means, you know he was clearly no casual.

It's no the same everywhere. Where i live you can buy enough data to pay for amonth of this for the same money it costs to buy 30 texts

I keep hearing this and luckily have never experienced it. Maybe it's a console thing? It feels like all the people i meet on PC are mid twenties to early thirties

Seriously. "patch 3.3 arrives bringing with it the Dungeon finder"? HOW ABOUT BRINGING WITH IT MUTHERFUCKING ARTHAS

If i had to guess, it would be because it would be too demanding for consoles, and no one ever thinks we PC gamers want splitscreen

Guild Wars 2 is also completely instanced. There is no open world, just a lot of instances. Some of them are quite large, but nowhere near the size of a WoW continent, for example.