
They also have stellar customer support and have added many huge free content patches to the game. Plus, no other MMO can touch their infrastructure. FFXIV: ARR had server issues for months with a fraction of the player base, while WoW barely even has weekly maintenance anymore.

This. Fuck gold sellers. (though to be fair, the only time i was hacked i ended up 5k gold richer, as i got to keep what they had managed to farm and not ship out plus got all my stuff restored)

Actually. that is exactly what ISPs want. It may just be that instead of charging the user they will change the web service providers, who will in turn pass the cost to the users.

How is the market working so far with keeping ISPs honest?

This is actually not a new a idea. Read "the Road not Taken" by Harry Turtledove or the Worldwar series by the same author. or the "The Damkned" trilogy by Alan Dean Foster. It's a pretty common idea in Sci-fi

I don't know man... My parent's cat always seems to get bittwn in the ass... Of course he's fat, lazy and was raised by a dog...

I can understand that, that is the same thing i did the first time.

You, my friend, have stepped very close to heaven without knowing it. Try this:

Not right, now, they need so much energy they can only be mounted on nuclear ships

It's designed to work against Naval armor, so i think it's safe to say it would cut through a tank

YouTube is not doing anything. Content owners have control over what gets claimed, YouTube only provides the tools. Also, there is a good argument to be made that fair use goes out the window when there is profit being made.

In news surprising no one: people who have no idea how YouTube and ContentID works make uninformed comments yet again

A PC able to emulate the new consoles would need at least as many cores and as more ram than the consoles.

I gree with you. I think the new version looks much better. I would be much more concerned with the fact that Square charges an arm and a leg and provides no support. FFV stopped working on my two phones and my tablet after the first update, and the reviews are full of people saying the same thing and Square doesn't

Completely agree. Also, there is still a very active modding community, so the game, that still plays great, can also look great and has a shit ton of content

My 4 year old rig with a 2 year old GPU outperforms the new consoles...

Game Prices are important. If you know where to look, you'll consistently pay less than full retail for even pre-orders and new releases.all those savings add up over the lifetime, and n the end you end up paying less.

This. There is nothing wrong with data mining as long as it's anonymous and focused on aggregated data, rather than in getting every single piece of data about you, including identifiable data and selling it to a third party.

Someone didn't read the article

DICE moved away from that type and scope of destruction because they felt it messed up the flow of the maps, because near the end of long rounds all maps ended up beong the same barren wasteland