
The dorito dinks were suspended at the request of the league.

Did you even watch 00? It is in no way similar to Wing, they don’t even share many themes outside of the classic gundam themes (War is Hell, anyone can die, etc)

My thoughts exactly. They give you flying after you don’t want it anymore...

Assetto Corsa was absolutely worth it for me.

Don't be. These are people thatplanned this months in advace and leveled by taggins mobs and having a raid full of other people finish them and just grind that way. They are probably barely done with the intro quest chain.

I don't know what it is about Buenos Aires, but I've never had a quiet approach or take off there.

My first car was a 1968 600D. I bought it for less than a 100 bucks. It had big holes on the floor from rust, paint was extremely faded, and the gearbox had somehow gotten disconnected from the engine. It had been left to rot in a street for years. My dad and I reconnected the gearbox, replaced the fluids, and were

You should. There's a lot of junk, but also quite a few gems.

The way I explained the whole Kunato thing to myself is that, because he is the head of the family that owns the company that makes the mechas, he probably has some way to override the flight recorders

well, driving a proper racing line and avoiding unnecessary collisions is the best way to win in my experience, so that's not too far off. When i've been convinced to play i've destroyed all of my friends just by doing that

Even worse is that they re not even able to ship the phones to people with invites yet This phone is nothing but Vaporware.

I don't understand the universal love for Mario Kart... the game is so mindnumbingly easy it's just boring. The karts have so much grip you never have to let go of the throttle

My thoughts exactly. At first they offered mostly dubs only, but it seems they are adding more and more stuff with subs, plus more and more newer stuff. I guess the best way to ensure they keep going down this path is watch more of what they offer with subs.

that could work. Sort of like server housing. Aereo sells you (for a nominal fee) the hardware then they set it up for you and you pay 8 bucks a month for the rackspace and the internet connection

Cable providers would probably demand that Aereo pay at least as much as they do

When you're used to playing at 60+ fps, 30 looks like crap, with very few exceptions (notably Forza Horizon for me)

Actually, reports are that it runs better in "E3 Mode" than it does out of the box. Probably because they did more optimization on the E3 effects than the whole game

eh, I play on PC. None of the multiplats announced at either conference will look as good as how i will play them, but i'm still excited to see gameplay from them. Also, i may end up buying an X1 for Forza Horizon 2 and Halo, so i count that press conference as a success for MS.

I still don't understand why it hasn't been tried on the Wii U. DM with the tablet controller, player with regular controllers. Seems like a recipe for success.

shush, the Sony fanboys need to have something to complain about.