
Meenova: an easy and relatively cheap to add removable storage to the increasingly large amount of devices shipping ithout MicroSD slots. It's small and sturdy enough that i use it even when i keep my phone in my pockets without any issue. http://www.meenova.com/

Macross was originally supposed to be a sort of parody/deconstruction of Gundam, but it sort of ended up growing up as it went and taking on a life on it's own. Thus, Macross tends to be less dark and dense than Gundam

I miss fat Rex

A better way may be to start making better movies...

Vin's character appears to be rocking the Hand of A'dal title. Fi you know what that means, you know he was clearly no casual.

I keep hearing this and luckily have never experienced it. Maybe it's a console thing? It feels like all the people i meet on PC are mid twenties to early thirties

Seriously. "patch 3.3 arrives bringing with it the Dungeon finder"? HOW ABOUT BRINGING WITH IT MUTHERFUCKING ARTHAS

If i had to guess, it would be because it would be too demanding for consoles, and no one ever thinks we PC gamers want splitscreen

Guild Wars 2 is also completely instanced. There is no open world, just a lot of instances. Some of them are quite large, but nowhere near the size of a WoW continent, for example.

They also have stellar customer support and have added many huge free content patches to the game. Plus, no other MMO can touch their infrastructure. FFXIV: ARR had server issues for months with a fraction of the player base, while WoW barely even has weekly maintenance anymore.

This. Fuck gold sellers. (though to be fair, the only time i was hacked i ended up 5k gold richer, as i got to keep what they had managed to farm and not ship out plus got all my stuff restored)

Actually. that is exactly what ISPs want. It may just be that instead of charging the user they will change the web service providers, who will in turn pass the cost to the users.

How is the market working so far with keeping ISPs honest?

I don't know man... My parent's cat always seems to get bittwn in the ass... Of course he's fat, lazy and was raised by a dog...

YouTube is not doing anything. Content owners have control over what gets claimed, YouTube only provides the tools. Also, there is a good argument to be made that fair use goes out the window when there is profit being made.

In news surprising no one: people who have no idea how YouTube and ContentID works make uninformed comments yet again

A PC able to emulate the new consoles would need at least as many cores and as more ram than the consoles.

I gree with you. I think the new version looks much better. I would be much more concerned with the fact that Square charges an arm and a leg and provides no support. FFV stopped working on my two phones and my tablet after the first update, and the reviews are full of people saying the same thing and Square doesn't

Completely agree. Also, there is still a very active modding community, so the game, that still plays great, can also look great and has a shit ton of content

My 4 year old rig with a 2 year old GPU outperforms the new consoles...