
Brown's point kind of ignores the fact that Gronk was super-active in blocking in this game. He was targeted 5 times and had 4 catches for 76 yards and a TD. But you know, whatever helps you sleep at night.

"My team got assraped in its big chance to seize control of the AFC playoff race, on national television, but Gronk only has one catch on me!!!!"

If you like vintage rally cars or Abarths, or both, you never forget the 600. But, yes otherwise I agree it's pretty much forgotten. I've always wondered why they didn't call the 500L something else, like the 600 (though I wouldn't necessarily want the 600 name to be reincarnated as a min-minvan thingy) to

But i like them all equa...

He's smiling because he just killed your favorite character.

No. He would have 16 rounds in his chest defending his house. Are we REALLY this quick to forget the chick whose house was broken into while she was playing dota and held at gunpoint?


Ugh. This is gross. Quit putting Robotech on life support and just give fans what they want: The Japanese original.

To be frank, no they have not done shit. All they have done was license squat on an anime series for a generation. Not an exaggeration.

Oh no *HELL* no. Anybody who funds this is just adding to a much bigger problem that has been going on for over 20 years. I almost find this funny.

Here's an idea: how about we do a Kickstarter to raise funds for a legal team that will pry the rights for Robotech/Macross out of Harmony Gold's evil, cold, dead hands? I like that idea better.

Here's an idea, Harmony Gold:


And once again the government kills innovation. Way to go.

Danish NATO-jets stationed in Lithuania intercepted Russian bombers doing simulated bomb runs on Stockholm last year. The swedes were taken completely by surprise and couldn't scramble their own jets in time. Russia really has been aggressively testing the boundaries of their neighbours lately!

Now playing

Your code has compiled. Your enemies have been crushed. They have fled before you. Now you hear the lamentation of their women.

i.e.: to support outdated hardware promoted as "next-gen".

You know. . . Mario and Starfox may not fit great. . . . But there's a space bounty hunting woman of action that, uh, needs some action.

Holy shit. This guy gets it.