
i think he is confusing it with one of the Halo special edition consoles (Halo 2 i think?) which was the same translucent green but had different markings

You don't need a top end PC. I have a two year old mid-range desktop (Athlon II x4 620, 4Gb DDR2 RAM, no SSD, and an ATI 6850) and i can run most games at the highest settings. It can even run BF3 on Ultra, as long as i don't mind playing at 30-40FPS.

I have to admit i'm seriously considering buying an Xbox so i can play Halo 4 with my friends...

was gonna post the exact thing. I haven't sent an SMS since i got Whatsapp

their mail server is probably melting with al the traffic... plenty of people aren't getting their keys yet. If you have an account on the site login, go to the bottom of the page and clock on the Humble THQ Bundle to get your keys

i'm hoping for Homefront... i know it's supposed to be mediocre at best, but i've been surprised by supposedly mediocre games before (Alpha Protocol, for example)

Already have Darksiders, but it's still great value.

Last year when the Patriots were up by a lot in the 4th quarter against the Broncos, they punted the ball on third down, and the whole thing led to a fight on the field... there really doesn't seem to be a right way to handle a blowout...

i hate weddings like that...

when the protoss expansion comes out you will be able to get all 3 for 60 bucks... that's when i'm getting it

i've played pen and paper RPGs for over 15 years, and the one force that i've noticed is a constant is precisely the removal of extraneous elements to focus on the narrative. Inventory management has gotten simpler and simpler, free form exploration has given way to bigger metaplots and focus on the narrative... In a

i've never understood this complaint... shooting has always been a core part of Mass Effect. ME is no less of a shooter than ME2. All ME2 did was take away a bunch of chores and time wasters (inventory management mostly).

I got two achievements before the matchmaking for my first Halo 4 multiplayer match was done: one for customizing my emblem, and one for adding a service tag...

and yet for me it ran great on medium on a 4670 and now it runs great on High on a 6850...

To be fair to Halo 4, it happens inside a Dyson Sphere created, and then abandoned, by an ancient race of aliens to work as a giant bomb shelter, so it makes sense that it is empty...

Even with Steam coming out it's gonna take years before it reachesa a critical mass of developers. I've got over a hundred games on Steam, plus another dozen or so on other services, and while i love Ubuntu, there's no way i'm moving full time until every single game works as good as it does on windows...

Yes. People may say the Master Chief is a bland character, but the Halo universe has tons of depth and the games do a good job of pulling you in. Also, don't forget to play ODST... the change of going from super soldier to (elite) grunt is pretty awesome

Same here... IV was perfection, but V is not bad by any means

No idea, i'm stuck there...

i am stuck at exactly the point shown in the image >_<