
nice reply, Jesús. It would be great to see more discussion amongst the writers about this.

what new features?

Same here... they could at least add a paid option for netflix support... i wouldn't mind paying a few bucks

Sounds like you want to read the books. Glasslands and Thursday War have a TON of exposition about the COvenant, and Elites (Sangheili) in particular


How does your company feel about the surge that PC gaming seems to have experienced lately (don't have any data, but i feel like there is a lot more love for it on the media now than 3 years ago). Has changed your views on the platform? can we hope to stop getting games late and horribly ported?

i tried so hard to love it, but i'm some 15-20 hours into the game and almost nothing has happened... it's hard to stay engaged whn the story never moves forward...

In my experience, the people who don't care are the ones who never got much into the series in the first place.

The thing is, because weed increases focus it can lead to increased comprehension, once you learn your sweetspot and when to stop smoking.

it's basically the same armor the basic marines wear in the game...

So, how much profit did Zynga make last year?

Also, no feeling that i have to rush to max level because that's when the game starts and leveling is a chore... leveling in GW2 is awesome

i hava a feeling that i could never go back to WoW after trying GW2... looking back, it feels primitive...

That's mine

because it's faster than 7, boots in seconds and has some nifty stuff?

Not a chance... we still haven't even gotten Halo 3 for the PC...

Feet First Into Hell

Not as poseable as a Play Arts (they can't kneel, for example) but with some patience you can get some good poses. Ihave some shots on my instagram ( http://web.stagram.com/n/kuroyume_cl/ ) and one of my friends has a ton more shots on his ( http://web.stagram.com/n/matt_raven )

if you want a full set of spartans the McFarlane series are pretty good... i just got Halo 4's MAster Chief and it's pretty detailed and the material is fairly good... plus, it was only 20 bucks shipped to south america

They forgot the login queues and crashed servers that have been a staple of every expansion launch