
I like Gizmodo a lot, except when it comes to Apple... for some reason they feel they need to justify and defend every decision Apple makes...

Look at the bright side: at least it's only 14 more days to Forward Unto Dawn :P

It's the strategy actually... once you come to understand the game you realize the mental component is even more important than the physical one... It's a game of trying to outsmart your oponent as much as it is trying to outrun him. There are very few soccer coaches that think this way (a stand out being Marcelo

This game can't come out soon enough... the next 45 days are gonna be looooong

To be fair soccer is pretty lame, and football is awesome (and i say this despite being born and having lived all of my life in south america)

I'd move to the U.S. in a heartbeat if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to get a work visa (need to have a job watiting for you to get a visa, but no company will give you a job if you don't already have a visa...)

As far as i understand it, the difference is that you can play Torchligh II offline

Dogs feel not so much that they own you, but that you mutually own each other... they are pack animals, and adop their families as their packs

Was gonna say the same thing... i like how you can make the game a thirdperson shooter, a melee action game or a stealth game... or any combination of the three

i like it, but would like it even more as a video feature

Religion is the worst thing that has happened to mankind

My HTC One S is made from Micro-arc oxidized Aluminum. It's aluminum that feels like ceramics. Real space age stuff. The Moto Razr is made of Kevlar. That's 2 from the top of my head.

Then hire a publicist for a share of the profits. But there's no reason for the labels to run the industry anymore. Power should be in the content creator's hands not on the hands of a middleman that adds little to no value to the the product

The obvious problem is the labels... they are no longer needed, but are still stifling the whole industry with stupid high licensing fees

Onion Ninjas are everywhere

Also, Tupolev planes never crash...

This is pretty much the way to start with Macross. It's a pretty good retelling of the original series that has some changes, but not enough of them to confuse future series.

What the Park Authority isn't telling you is that Hanta virus is spread through mice feces and urine, and can be prevented with the simple aplication of chlorine... doesn't really speak well of the higiene at this "Signature Tent Cabins"

The more i learn about this game the less i want to play it... if i wanted to play Burnout (i don't, i hateBurnout) i would play Burnout...

i would gladly pay 20 bucks to play it on Android...