
It's because the Steam browser is based on IE

Some catgories are not properly filled with Open Source tools (first thing that comes to mind is video editing beyond the iMovie/Movie Maker level)

Even for that it would take a time to pay for itself, and there are many cheaper alternatives

Not to mention the nuclear reactor... you just know that they are really trying to produce martian nukes...


Yup. Hell, i would've been happy with the Destroy ending if it didn't involve the genocide of the Geth after i worked so damn hard to have them make peace with the Quarians

Actually, i'm fairly certain at some point Javik explains that the Protheans ended being like the Covenant: a group of alien species that all called themselves "Protheans"

thanks for the mental image :D

fully agree... a friend brought his kinect over last weekend, and Kinect Star Wars on 3D, while high, is plain awesome :D

There's a BOOK?

I agree, i though MoH had probably the best campaign of all modern military shooters... it may have been short and the scripts may have been buggy, but it managed to create a lot of tension without resorting to world ending schemes...

probably gonna pass on this... Hot Pursuit was good, but i hated all the Burnouts...

i have every intention of moving my PC to the living room to enjoy AC3 in 42 inches 1080p

Breath of Fire II

Ree Soesbee was one of my favorite writers when she was with AEG writing for Legend of the Five Rings, so i'm really looking forward to GW2

i'd rather it be on rails than some moron strapping iot with C4 and crashing it into a tank "for the lulz"

meh, i used to think this, but i've grown to actually like Battlelog. Instead of getting rid of it, they should just improve it... we shouldn't need third party addons for stuff like server reviews.

wow, and here i thought the entire BF3 community hated the game...

i missed the star tmenu for the first few weeks, but in the end i got used to the start screen. I'm sure with more time (had to go back to Win7 to play L.A. Noire ) i would've found ways to make the most out of it like i did with the start menu.

It may feel sour for those of us who are power users, but every non-computer person that i've introduced to W8 has loved it. For me, the biggest change is the removal of the start menu, but the truth is that most people i know never used it, they just had piles of desktop shortcuts, which makes me think they won't