
I really am enjoying playing FFXIV, as a lot of people have posted. The thing that is sickening are the posts of how a little over a month since the game came out, people are giving up because they got bored of endgame. I mean, I have 1 lvl 50 class, and I am doing some endgame stuff, but it's gonna take a while

Blizzard sure knows how to make pretty cinematics.

There were just too many random scenes with no continuity whatsoever. I understand that it is a very tough thing to pull off, so I still give him credit for having a somewhat coherent trailer.

I had done a few different characters during Beta and experienced the 3 cities, so once the actual game started I stuck with my char in Gridania and did that storyline. I agree that the class system should really become a staple in MMO's, not to mention the vast amount of storage available on the characters at all

I agree that FFXIV isn't really breaking new grounds in the MMO mold, but what it does, it mostly does right. I think that the class system would be the biggest advantage over traditional MMO's. It doesn't have the voice acting quality of the SWTOR, or the combat of TERA, which are certainly the best two aspects of

I think that Nintendo still has the upper hand in terms of availability. Not that many people have a Vita for example. Granted not too many people have a Wii U, but at least everyone that has one, has the 2nd screen built into the controller. In fact, having the other consoles following suit on the 2nd screen, might

Just as a suggestion, I have been loving the crap out of FFXIV. The game is going to feel incredibly easy at first, and even the dungeons are cake. What happens though is at the end of the game, after you've experienced a pretty sweet story, you get some really challenging dungeons, and stand alone boss fights.

What a man and a paid dominatrix do inside a hotel room is private. :p

I'm not into self masochism.

Suddenly Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon takes on a whole new meaning.

I have to imagine that if Nintendo had just waited about 6 months to release the 3DS, released it at the price they lowered it to, and had the launch lineup that they did in the holiday season, we would have never even talked about a slow start. I was a day one buyer, and played DS games for the first few months. Once

In the game's third sequel, Bravely Default: Agnes Returns, she will have a Double D pair of breasts.

This game is probably going to be pretty fing sweet.

This game is probably going to be pretty fing sweet.

But bioshock still allowed you to save the game everywhere. Just not in the middle of combat, so it really wasn't very hard to get brassballs achievement.

I am 28 years old now. I have a fiance and her 5 year old lives with us. While I can't compare the amount of hours that I spend playing games now to what I used to, I probably still put in close to 20 hours a week playing games. I also have a full time job, go to the gym, and take online classes for college. One thing

Thank you for the info. I am sure I could have looked it up, but so lazy. :)

If you play Animal Crossing, I can give you my friend code to visit my town and vice versa. I will also definitely be playing the new Pokemon and would certainly recommend it. As far as which version to get, I am leaning on getting X, mostly because of the design of the legendary, but also because I usually get the

When will the fates start, I just hit 50 two days ago with my Bard. New gear will always be welcomed.

The PS4 that you win comes with an eternal Taco Bell smell that intensifies when you turn the system on.