
It's not rape if you yell Surprise!

Exactly, it's the principal of things. If you spend the money, you don't wanna waste it by not eating the food, regardless of the conscious decision to deliberately poison my body.

I just have to decide if winning a free PS4 is worth the risk of me shitting on all of my underwear.

I've been on that line since The Tudors. It's not getting any shorter. :(

I have a gigantic crush on Natalie Dormer, there is nothing platonic about it. :p

Wait, Narnia isn't real?

If this came directly from Nintendo then good for them.

Now that my Bard is 47 and I am almost at cap, I will explore other classes and get my crafting up. My carpenter is at 24 and leatherworker only at 17, so I can't infuse my gear with materia on my own. I am having a blast with this game though. I wouldn't play it on PS3 unless I had no choice though.

I will definitely already have a next gen system by the time this comes out, but even with the mediocre FFXIII and its sequels, I still can't ignore a FF title. I am currently loving FFXIV. That game has sucked me right back into the MMO scene, despite my better judgement after the time I spend with WoW, SWTOR, and

Perhaps they will let the cards determine what kind of troops/reinforcements you can place on the grid. Just speculation, but I could see something like that being used.

Considering how much I love FF Tactics, I will be sure to keep an eye out for this game. I am also rather fond of card games, so this could be a great combination.

Yeah, my comment was in jest, but it was just a striking resemblance when I first saw it.

Was that Ezio at the end of the trailer when all of the faces are lined up? FF and AC mix.

Suddenly I never want to trust engineers for the rest of my life.

For a supposedly old duck, he's pretty spry.

That would be nice, but it's just an unfair comparison.

If R rated movie tickets cost $60 a pop, then they might be able to bring in those numbers.

I don't know how Uncle Scrooge manages such perfect dives. Peter Griffin has some issues with it.

Since I never played the original but enjoyed II and III, this should be an enjoyable game.

Dark Notes keep unlocking endlessly until you run out of room, but then you can delete the old ones in order to unlock more. I've leveled two 4 person parties to lvl 99 with the dark notes, and through that process, I unlocked 12 new songs to play on challenge mode.