
Hey, there is nothing scarier than the DM mentioning Tiamat. When I was a little kid watching the D&D cartoon, I would shit my pants when she was around.

That's right, I was almost sure she was in an FF game but didn't want to bother looking it up.

Has Tiamat ever been in a video game? It's probably the most badass D&D dragon ever.

I agree, I am able to enjoy the game and get enough coins to keep upgrading at a decent pace. I don't feel that it is necessary to purchase gold/gems but if I do, it would be to support the developers.

I was going to mention that movie on here. It is an amazing movie. When you realize what is happening, it is fantastic.

In all fairness, I wouldn't pay $1 US for that game.

Results not typical. I love that disclaimer.

I'm sorry, this thing is fugly. I am all set with my backwards compatible PS3.

I can't tell you how much I love FF XII. It is honestly my favorite game in the series, mostly because of the amazing combat system. I never got tired of the combat in that game, and I could skip a lot of battles if I felt like it, since there were no random ones. I loved the story as well and the mix of old

I've been able to play in my bedroom, my apartment is about 1,000 square feet and the Wii U and my bed are on completely opposite ends of the apartment.

That's weird that until I read your comment, I didn't even notice that. After going bak and looking, it is pretty out there.

I loved how in Super Mario World you could shoot shells up. I don't think any of the NSMB games allow you to do that.

I agree with you. I think it looks like Bartz. Also, FFV had a job system and FFVI didn't so the other sprites suggest job changes. Also, I think that's Boco.

I think I am going to buy a wireless hdmi hookup, a wireless controller for my PC and maybe upgrade my video card. I can't possibly spend another thousand dollars on consoles this year. (400 plus taxes on each plus at least one launch game for each). I got the Wii U last year. I will probably get Durango or whatever

I think at this point, I wouldn't call the time out because the kicker is probably expecting it and figures he's gonna have another chance and then just fails miserably.

Well, looks like several share this song with me as their favorite. I know it would have been tough because of the pan flute and just different instruments, but I would have loved it if they played this song in the Zelda concert, but unfortunately they did not. It still was a good concert, however not as good as the

That dragonair battle was epic.

They released it on Xbox 360 early last year. It looks fantastic on PC though. The graphics on the 360 are still nice. The game is tough as nails, specially on harder difficulties.

It would be like playing Goldeneye 64 where you can only slap people. It was always hilarious.