I'm not lazy to learn anything, I just simply prefer iOS over Android. I am not saying I won't ever switch, but I would probably consider Windows Phone before Android tbh.
I'm not lazy to learn anything, I just simply prefer iOS over Android. I am not saying I won't ever switch, but I would probably consider Windows Phone before Android tbh.
If my ex wife dressed up as Zelda, we probably would not be divorced. lol
I will try to remember to give you a heads up. You can always follow my pathetic twitter account @foxmacloud :)
I'm telling you, the game has been sitting wrapped up on my shelf along with 4 other games still in wrappers. My backlog is monstrous. Anytime I finish a game, there is already 2 batches of DLC I won't ever go through. I haven't beaten every Zelda game ever, but I am a big fan of the series and every time I look at…
Hopefully it looks a bit better on Wii U since I have one of those now.
I am disappointed in my life because I have yet to play Skyward Sword.
Cheap whores are awesome.
I like that game but for some reason none of the Game Center achievements ever unlock.
I can't be reading posts about trolling while I am playing WoW which is the 1st MMO ever created.
It was always fun to heal the tank on the last second and then go on to victory, specially when someone accidentally would aggro an add somewhere. I unfortunately at the time got way too busy to be able to continue to play the game at the pace of my linkshell. I've been in and out of MMO's since and now, I wouldn't…
I missed out on the Black/White generation. I am looking forward to playing this though.
He's the mirrored version of Twilight Princess. :)
Yeah, I was pretty wrapped up on SWTOR around that time. After my friends quit and I had been max level for 6 months, I stopped playing that too. I tried GW II and while fun, I eventually didn't feel like it drew me in enough, partially because of the fact that I literally never had to be in a party except for the…
Well, it's all NVIDIA tech so they want to be able to have an additional selling point for their cards.
I have to hang on to my Wii because of my GC library. Not that I am constantly playing it but Smash Brothers Melee is still my favorite and I love me some Wind Waker.
It's exactly what I was thinking.
Dude!! Sesame Street, I can't wait.
That Sagittarius gold saint cosplay is sweet.
That was an 8 minute CG. Must have taken a while to put together. I really think I am going to give this game a chance again. My collector's edition box has been gathering dust and I gave up after about 3 months of playing it almost daily.
I was gonna say, respectable just means not getting destroyed each and every game and winning some. This ^ was a much better answer. lol