

Hell no, no sports car should ever be a convertible. And yes, I own a Miata, and yes, I hate the fact that it is a convertible.

Well, here's the thing. I was raised by a guy who raced motorcycles. I grew up at the racetrack, around bikers and gearheads and things motorized. I was taken to car shows because I thought they were fun. I really like cars and I like to drive the fuck out of a good car. I have dated more than one guy for his car —

It's a good thing I shop for cars based on what I want in terms of performance and style, then.

Woah. The scary thing is that "Jason Torchinsky" on Amazon IS NOT ME. Seriously, I didn't type those in there. Should I be alarmed?

Porsche; doing the wrong thing well for over 50 years.™

Adventures at Volvo Headquarters, Ed. 1: Not All Trolls Are from Trollhättan

I would love to add snark, but you took it all, Torch.

Burn on Saturday, rebate on Monday.

The US BMW bobsled should be nicknamed the "Douchecanoe".

I'll be honest, I'm conflicted, too. And I'm not raging, just noting. But I think this is one of those little things that could prove to be annoying when you have to deal with it every day. Sometimes multiple times a day.

Skay might not agree.......

Usually, with a cop car, the dicks are on the inside.

Me first, I've got a wagon. :-P

Le Mans.

Love the beast on Netflix