I agree with you about the woman with skin health problems, and I want to add the woman whose foot is internally rotated. That's a legit health problem, and it probably does interfere with the way she walks, just like she said.
Is that puppy velvet?!
I have a totally crazy adolescent bunny in my house at the moment (and two sweet, cuddly seniors) and he is the cutest, evilest thing ever. He snuck into the the trundle under my bed and tore up all my down blankets today and chewed on the bathroom door. He terrifies the elderly gentlemen bunnies with his wild…
I don't know where you and your brother live, but here in NYC all of the yellow and green taxis now have talking computers that help you pay your fare by credit or debit card, which I love. The computer also says the taxi number, but much too fast for anyone to remember. Before these computer systems were added to…
I got a new cell phone number a few years ago. I had to get it changed again almost immediately, because I was getting 50-100 calls a day for a taxi dispatch.
As a young blind woman who takes cabs in NYC almost every day, this story terrifies me. Is your friend OK? I remember having a particularly irritating O&A teacher say that any time I go out, I should only use Access-A-Ride, never a cab or the subway, but I travel all over the city for my work, and it's just not…
Oh, Prince Fielder... my husband is so jealous of how much I fancy you.
OK guys. I don't know if this is going to be gray or what, but I have this lady topped.
I'm a big fan of Jyoti Amge (she is super funny and adorable!) and I am worried about her being cast in this show. I really hope that this show isn't as ableist as it seems to be from the promo materials, because Jyoti may be the smallest woman in the world, but she's also a great comedian and actress and she…
It's so hard to heal from this kind of thing, and just knowing that there are kids out there in similar situations to myself whose abusive parents have just gotten a new tool to use to hurt them makes me ache inside. Stay brave, my friend.
It's not humiliating for you. You're doing what you can do. Your mom should be humiliated for treating you that way. Your age has nothing to do with anything.
Oh my goodness, I'm so glad you liked my hummus recipe! I knew your name looked familiar! We are totally Jez BFFs. {Fist Bump Gif}
Let's just be proud of each other for finally getting up the courage to do what was right for ourselves — and thankful that we're not teenagers now.
Our stories are really similar, even down to the last, train station goodbye and husband having to resort to contacting law enforcement. When I was working my first paralegal job out of college, she would call me constantly, even though she knew I was not permitted to take personal calls when I was helping clients. …
I feel for you, deeply and viscerally. My mom would tell me, "If you're a good person, you don't need privacy." Yo, don't pick up the phone if you can't deal. Hang in there, I really understand.
I had the kind of mom who should not have had access to an app like this one. I'm feeling queasy, and I'm grown and my mom is deceased. Not everyone's mom is a good mom.