I would rather take medical advice from Bertie Wooster than Dr Oz
I would rather take medical advice from Bertie Wooster than Dr Oz
I present to you: Kevin.
Stillborn, actually. Very sad, even though they should have know with her age and the fact that she had 19 kids before that, that there would be complications.
Funny, my evil bun chewed up the comforter on my daughter's trundle on Monday, when she left her out all day. I do not leave that stinker unattended outside of her cage. My old bunny (RIP) was a sweetheart and he had the run of the house. He was the best, his only faults were that he assassinated magazines and bit…
We currently have middle-aged bun and TEEN GIRL BUN! Middle-aged is so snuggly and loving and kissy and TEEN GIRL BUN! is raucous and crazy. I know it's insane, but we're gonna try and bond them. TEEN GIRL BUN! is also a larger breed (New Zealand White) than Middle-aged man (English standard.) Here is TEEN GIRL BUN!…
I am sitting hear actually listening to the Brown Sugar album as we speak. On the real D' let me put it to you like this: I am and continue to listen to a 20 year old debut album in which you were rarely visible unless you were behind the piano or bass. Your music is perfection when you leave that image stuff behind…
The best part of this is how obliviously happy that donkey looks.
You better have skinny legs and a skinny waist to go with that big ass though, or else GTFO, right?
This was a friend of my brother's ; he is blind. I think she is okay, but I'm sure the trauma is horrible. I'd say the main safety tip is to only get in a cab if you called it or have some kind of ID info that can be traced. The police couldn't track this cab because the woman didn't call it. She was at a public…
I think I'm allergic to junk food. It makes me fat.
This also happened to my uncle, who is dyslexic. He dropped out of school in 8th grade because none of the teachers could help him. They just chocked it up to him being downright stupid. And while he wasn't stupid then, his brain has kind of gone off the deep-end due to a combination of physical pain (caused by…
I'd use this service, though not for religious reasons. I've had some unpleasant experiences with male cab drivers and I know of a young blind woman who got in a cab only to have him pick up his buddies, drive her into the countryside, gang rape her, beat her, and left her for dead on the side of the road.
The guy that called and argued with me for five minutes that we were, in fact, a doctor's office and not a pizzeria.
On the wine:
- My co-worker who spelled tossed (as in tossed salad) "tost" and also spelled cucumber "Qcumber" in total seriousness.
Do you work with kids? I work with kids and that's how I speak to them. They've turned me into an old lady. Yesterday I shouted "Hey, Youth, put on a helmet!" out my car window. My boyfriend just shook his head. Goddamn kids these days.
Jessicaroline, Theresarah, Warrené and Josephineas?
How did he get up there without anyone noticing!?