
I still love Halo but a new game is not the event it once was.

It's weird: Microsoft keeps trying to make Halo "happen" and it's like, it already did? Years ago? I dunno. I feel like the time to keep expanding the series maybe isn't when its major releases have been in a sales & retention decline.

I used it a lot before the launch of Reach and for about 2 years after during my peak play time with Reach. Besides its use to flex my epeen over my friends and how terrible they were, it had a lot of fun user content and other specials. Halo 4 didn't get anywhere near the same amount of treatment which was pretty

Well, if your console only has one major IP, you better milk the fuck out of it. Would be surprised if the next Microsoft console isn't just called the Halobox.

The game runs 1080p(height) in all modes. it doesn't run the corresponding 1920(width) in all modes. KZs SP runs native 1920 x 1080p, its multiplayer runs 1080p vertical lines, but does 1920 in an interlaced format , typical interlacing as we know it is done by alternating rows(1920 x 540), KZ:SF multiplayer does

The guy who is suing is most likely a shill drummed up by the class-action lawfirm in order to have a "face" for their lawsuit.

1) The Killzone game box does say 1080p, the actual game does run at 1080p in most but not all modes - this is enough to excuse Sony from the claim of 'fraud' and 'misrepresentation.'

Microsoft announce Dishonoured is coming to Xbox Live Gold for free and then Kotaku's Marinconz releases a Dishonoured video - is this a under the counter sponsored feature?

Because Microsoft always tells the truth.

@spectrumfox. In fairness the reported story was not false, the comments about the dev kit capability being dropped were publicly made by a very senior Microsoft executive Martin Fuller head of Xbox Advanced Technology. Microsoft are now saying Fuller's comments were 'inaccurate.' They are not saying the story is

I mean the other sites had quotes from Microsoft too. This isn't a matter of the other publications being wrong so much as the people at Microsoft not knowing what the fuck is going on.

There's no clarification or something.

No, Microsoft didn't pull another 180, despite headlines you might have seen today on various gaming news sites. The company still plans to add dev-kit functionality to retail Xbox Ones, they say.

No, no, Mark is reporting on a misogynistic trend. His report isn't misogynist, the trend is.

The article is about how a dangerous new genre of porn is threatening the health and safety of porn actresses. It is not advocating this act or saying it is a good thing, rather the exact opposite. Nor does he mock people who engage in it. He is pointing to the porn industry for this problem, defending porn actors.

There is a babe in there but if they are mostly pics of the same girl then it's hardly a craze.

I hope they show of a Vita TV for a western release. I have always thought it would be awesome to get one.

There's no room for racism in football (or anywhere else for that matter), those "diehard fans"deserve to be punished.

Shame on you Jason Schreier for your 'Murica bias. A 'shot' or a 'jibe' would be to insult the Xbox platform. What Adam Boyes is doing is stating clearly a difference in company policy which he is proud of; that if a developer releases a game on any other platform they won't be banned from PlayStation. The reason you

What does it take to get more articles like this by the way?