
I still love Halo but a new game is not the event it once was.

1) The Killzone game box does say 1080p, the actual game does run at 1080p in most but not all modes - this is enough to excuse Sony from the claim of 'fraud' and 'misrepresentation.'

Microsoft announce Dishonoured is coming to Xbox Live Gold for free and then Kotaku's Marinconz releases a Dishonoured video - is this a under the counter sponsored feature?

He is an Microsoft executive who spoke publicly at a conference. Don't blame the journalist for 'misquoting' because this is slanderous.

@spectrumfox. In fairness the reported story was not false, the comments about the dev kit capability being dropped were publicly made by a very senior Microsoft executive Martin Fuller head of Xbox Advanced Technology. Microsoft are now saying Fuller's comments were 'inaccurate.' They are not saying the story is

There is a babe in there but if they are mostly pics of the same girl then it's hardly a craze.

Don't worry, you'll love Watch Dogs 2!

That looks beautiful and hi-res whilst retaining the Minecraft look. How was that done?

If the Nintendo 3DS can't currently be emulated then PS3 emulation is still gonna be some time.

Good comment. Better to stamp out any racism in football before it has a chance to become associated with Japanese football.

Shame on you Jason Schreier for your 'Murica bias. A 'shot' or a 'jibe' would be to insult the Xbox platform. What Adam Boyes is doing is stating clearly a difference in company policy which he is proud of; that if a developer releases a game on any other platform they won't be banned from PlayStation. The reason you

"Bruce Straley and Neil Druckmann were NOT involved in what transpired."

Genuinely heartbreaking. I hope this brings them some comfort:

I'm looking forward to watching a live stream of Flappy Bird.

Looks lovely. I especially love the outdoors themed indoors.

Escape from Monkey Island is an awful cash-in.

Maybe you feel the model's ethnicity doesn't match the American-apple pie actress stereotype? Wonder Woman is Greek so she has a mediterranean complexion. I'm actually happy with the casting of Gal Gadot as WW in the new Superman movie, although she isn't greek she is Israeli and her features are somewhat similar.


Never realised just how similar the two costumes are. Good spot!

The 360 controller was near perfect - it captured lightning in a pad. Whilst the Xbone controller is similar it actually changes the magic formula and is less comfortable because of the triggers and weighting. Considering the DualShock 3 is a really cramped controller I was stunned to find how comfortable the