Evidently forget to close an bracket i bracket in there. Sigh.
Evidently forget to close an bracket i bracket in there. Sigh.
Microscopes will lay bare the vital organs, through the living flesh, of men and animals. The living body will to all medical purposes be transparent. Not only will it be possible for a physician to actually see a living, throbbing heart inside the chest, but he will be able to magnify and photograph any part of it.…
Good point. Thanks!
Well, if humans did land on or colonize Mars, then they would find intelligent life there.
Being perhaps generous, I'd give him 5 out of 19 correct:
Random fact: Oswald Veblen is the brother of Thorstein Veblen, the founder of the Institutional School of economic thought and coiner the phrase "conspicuous consumption".
Throw in some aliens, and you have an advertisement for the History Channel.
Maybe it's a *really low density* sweater? :-)
Brilliant. Hearted, my friend.
I agree with Azethoth's nitpick, but not yours, because this is my point. The problem was not the fact that people were injured, it was the type of injuries.
For what it's worth, that almost makes sense. I don't know how one fixes a single IC by hand... a "Child's Very Own Home Photolithography Kit"?
So, it's pretty extraordinary that this Terra Nova colony that's only been around a few years was hit by a meteorite.
Today, we eat chicken. Tomorrow, chickenosaurus eats us.
Maybe, for all our sakes, someone can convince Roland Emmerich to go back to Azimov's source material and film Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" instead.
The pair then had to verify that all 10 trillion digits were correct. After all, no one had ever calculated them before. Thankfully there is a formula for calculating any particular digit of pi, which they could use to check the result.
Well, assuming the digits are uniformly distributed, there was a 40% chance....
The contact with the copper might increase the melting point of the ice in contact with it, or it might improve thermal transfer, but I fail to see how the copper simply getting warmer would matter. Approximately the same amount of radiant and conductive heat reaches the surface of the copper plate as the…
Wikipedia concurs, you know, for what that's worth:
Maybe I wasn't paying much attention... but where are the dogs in Terra Nova?
Maybe they figure if they can get FTL, they can warp back to a time before climate research, tobacco research, ....