“The New York Times is Not Build for This”
“The New York Times is Not Build for This”
I was about to post exactly the same thing. Better to promote your comment than add my own.
I recall reading somewhere that one of the design elements of the series is to encourage players to take risks. This is why many of the games in the series feature a casino. It is why boss battles can require an element of good luck to win (or over-leveling, I guess). It is the reason that the game isn’t over when the…
You’re the reason sitcoms need laugh tracks.
It means the editor started preparing for Daylight Savings by getting drunk an hour (or three) early.
I’m hurt. I was speaking from the deep wells of sincerity that pool in my soul.
Speaking as a software developer, I cannot express enough how much I appreciate your perspective. There are few things I love more than dealing with 32-bit builds. The changing sizes of base types, the 4GB logical address space.... so many things to keep my job fun and exciting! Thank you!!!
For what it’s worth, when I was an undergrad learning all about how not to go blind in the laser physics lab, lasers with 1W+ output were the size of a small briefcase with a power supply to match and physically bolted to the lab bench. Wildly swinging the beam around wasn’t something one could just do.
JESUS CHRIST. That’s a Class 4 laser. You shouldn’t even TURN IT ON if you don’t know where the beam will be. IT WILL RUIN YOUR EYES. It’s not a fucking laser pointer.
And Microsoft burned $2 million and some credibility because they failed to manage their producers.
After gaining some levels, I liked to outfit Sherry with a two-handed sword. Because I was in middle school, and this amused me.
Google is a powerful tool, but you should probably make sure the source you found is not a parody site before you post it as proof.
Civ came in 1991 for PCs running DOS, a 16 bit OS. I think the word size was 2 bytes, so that would have been the size of an int.
Can't we just agree that all these people are over-payed, super-fortunate, hosers?
Final Fantasy 15: The Social Network
Coming to FaceBook, Q4 2013
You're probably right about this being more about concepts than actual code, but it's quite possible that "20+ year old Genesis" code still lives in the modern incarnation.
Software projects that have been in continuous maintenance for a decade or two are engineered so that most of application is as…
I can see your argument in this particular case. I tend to think the basis for his opposition to same sex marriage is based in his view of a perfectly ordered universe where man is created in the image of God. (Therefore making homosexuality "unnatural" and any union containing it a serious disruption of the natural…
We had an anthropology class at my college titled "Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion". The local Christians were not very pleased that they appeared to be lumped together witches and heathens, so the school (which is not religiously affiliated) required the course title be changed.