
Oh, and

It's my first solo V-Day in 12 years. And honestly, it's sort of a relief. It's possible that I could be repressing and avoiding feelings, but who knows. Slept in, worked out, ate pickles, and gonna hang out with the fur kids and read/watch a movie/bourbon it up. Sometimes the thought of possibly being alone for the

He seems like the type to try hurting her again. Like he strikes me as the dumb, aggro guy who wouldn't care if he got re-arrested as long as he really hurt her somehow. Do you kno what I mean? Like the guy who can't stand his macho toughness being in doubt & would do something even more horrific to prove "he's a man"

"Don't beat up people, become fake-religious and judgy!"

Dave Barry once wrote "someone who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person."

Yesterday, I said something to my Mr. about the article on the word "Female" and he immediately launched into a tirade against people that use "female" as a noun. He hit every single point, like the fact that it isn't grammatically correct, and the fact that it is just used to objectify women and that every dumbass

Good evening, Jezzies! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Any man who would be *that* intimidated by challenging women in his party is by definition not a 'good candidate.'

I've never done it (or seen it done), but honestly? Fuck that guy. I hope he got a big old cheeseburger loogie omelet.

Here's a question: Does anyone get repulsion?

My wife is doing her clinical rotation in the psych unit this semester. This week in the ACU, she's had to take care of a highly inappropriate schizotypal patient prone to psychotic breaks who she said looked exactly like BOB from "Twin Peaks", a non-compliant schizophrenic who was very manipulative and completely

I am bipolar with anxiety and PTSD from rape and childhood sex abuse. I spent time in a psychiatric facility, but for bullshit reasons. I was coming off of morphine and fentanyl after being on them for seven years for RSD, and when I saw my (former) shrink, I asked her if she could give me some ativan to deal with the

This is EXACTLY what the people who constantly yell PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY have caused. This is what only caring for yourself and not giving a fuck about anyone else creates, it creates people who are so myopic and so self-centered that they can't possibly put themselves in anybody else's shoes. This is why I

I just today decided that my MA thesis is going to be on mental illness narratives and women and how those narratives have to work against so many layers of sexist bullshit. Glad to see my thesis is still relevant...

So basically you're saying that men are irrational, hormone-driven animals incapable of any intelligent thought or morality and therefore will rape at any given opportunity so women have to be eternally vigilant so they're never vulnerable to these horrible penis monsters? But it's the feminists who think men are

I'm with you. PTSD happened last year. Hey Tom, did you know you PTSD qualifies for disability? Do you support our troops, asshole? Or only when they're killing people or defending their lives in situations you should be damned glad you've never nor will ever find yourself in?

Yeah, things were better in the olden days when women were locked in asylums and had their teeth and reproductive organs forcibly removed because they were thought to be the causes of their "hysteria". When forced ice-pick lobotomies and ECT therapy without anasthesia were a thing. When people were locked away for

There are tons of Christian fundamentalist pastors who have been accused of rape or child molestation. It's just ridiculous to pretend like being a good modest dressing alcohol abstaining Christian will insulate a woman from rape .

Let's be clear, the minute a "boy" rapes someone, I immediately consider him guilty of the crime of rape. If he has a problem with that, I suggest he rethink his practice of sexually assaulting unconscious women.

Saying that woman who likes to go out and have sex (which is what I assume she means when she says "be naughty") in any way deserve to be raped is as stupid as saying that anyone who likes to go shopping and spend a lot of money deserves to be robbed.