
This is the type of article that Jezebel has been lacking of late. I really wish one of you would take up the torch and run a regular feature regarding reproductive rights / women's rights.

I could totally live without another fangirl piece on a pop star ever appearing on Jezebel.

No sympathy here. I have awful animal cruelty forced on me at least once every other week. Social workers, cops, paramedics, and oh yeah, innocent children have horrific shit forced on them daily. If they have to deal with it, so do the rest of us. We OWE IT to the victims, living and dead, to realize that this shit

Took me over 4 hours to comb out my hair after the wedding. No lie. That's how Texas it was. I had been growing it out for a few years and had to get it all cut off the next week because it was so trashed from the teasing. But it was TOTALLY worth it.

I work a bridal gown sale every year. It's in a nice hotel and the gowns are just expensive enough to attract the worst of the worst... Think "I'd like to speak with a manager" haircuts and (OMG real) Coach bags (from three seasons ago.)

Lindsey Graham has a "definitional problem" with rape? Why is it men like this never have a "definitional problem" with, say, theft? Let's put this in terms people like this can understand:

Plenty of women are just plain assholes. Plenty of women are theist Bible Freaks. Plenty of women enjoy lording their moral superiority over other people even to the point of wanting it legislated.

He's shaming her for giving him pants-feelings.

I do wish that doctors were more careful about following up with patients who are prescribed opioids. They are hugely addictive and it's really easy to get an Rx.

I went to a Bible study being held at a Southern Baptist's house (I am a closet atheist but she was a friend) and got to listen to how our husbands should lead our houses. HE makes the decisions, HE leads us spiritually, HE is the one to be assisted...I am a known element so more than one pair of eyes flew to me as

Though I am not Catholic I pay attention to what the Pope says, just to figure out which way the wind is blowing for two billion, maybe more, of my fellow planetary citizens. So in recent months I learned that pets can go to Heaven and people should stop breeding like rabbits but no birth control and no abortion, NO

I wore bread bags over my shoes too as a kid, but I forgot about it until today. I guess it just wasn't that big a deal? Perhaps it was the fact that they were wheat bread bags that turned me into the good liberal I am today.

Correction: It's for the olds who remember their parents talking about the Great Depression. There aren't that many 80+ people to pander to anymore, but they long ago realized that it's even easier to milk from a false sense nostalgia than a real one. The romanticized notion of godly white people working so very hard

She had 10 minutes to give a rebuttal to the issues President Obama mentioned in his speech. Her gibberish is a glorious example of the Republican way of handling things. Issues? What the fuck are those? I don't want to talk about those so instead I will waste everybodies time talking about nonsense.

Given what we know about their interest in science, medicine, and knowledge in general, I can't see them adopting the correct terms for anything no matter what we do.

Fuck this guy.

I actually agree with you, but see, when bills like this are crafted, no one is thinking about addressing the stigmas that cause these eugenics campaigns in the first place. These politicians are not included taxpayer money in their agenda that will care for these unwanted babies once they get here; they are not

How much do these miserable moralizing shitburghs give to homes for unwanted or profoundly handicapped children? How do they help expectant mothers with limited resources? WHAT DO THEY DO THAT ACTUALLY HELPS ANYONE? It's almost as if they want to penalize women for "getting preggers" in the first place, like they

I have written before on the Jez boards about my fetus with abnormalities that died in utero. I can say with no hesitation to be forced to carry a fetus to term when you know it will suffer and die would be torture. This bill advocates torture. Bravo Sarah Murrell.

it's not a penis or something, it's just avril.

Anyone who was married to a member of Nickelback must relinquish all claims to rocking.