
Cannot give enough stars. The worst thing about child abusers isn't the abuse, horrific and damaging though it is. It's the fact that absolutely no truth can get through their ego, particularly the part about what great parents they were.

Neglectful parents - "I taught you how to be self sufficient!"

Stop it. Set boundaries. You do NOT have to accept it because you are the oldest, most settled, or any other bullshit. When he turns up, tell him firmly he cant't stay, you are sorry. Then stick to it.

I have some experience dealing with someone (not a parent) who is so willfully disconnected from reality that they just don't understaaaaaand why you're upseetttttt what did they do wronnnnng can't we talk about it? And fine, you summon your backbone and your patience and you explain it clearly and simply. And your

"They accuse me of being a terrible person, but won't elaborate about exactly what I've done. Well, sometimes they do, but it doesn't make sense, at least to me."

I'm sure this won't lead to any scary back alley abortions resulting in terrible possibly permanent damage or even death for a girl desperate to abort.

This is so fucking disappointing. And people within the church wonder why attendance continues to dwindle every year and churches are having to close or merge with other churches just to have a hope of surviving? Rather than follow the teachings of Jesus, whom they claim to follow, and surround this woman's loved ones

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

"Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted..."

I don't have a problem with religion of any kind. If your faith makes you a better person than fantastic. When people use their religion as an excuse to shit on anyone & everyone who isn't like them? That's not religion. That's being a sanctimonious twat.

colin did you know that lobsters REALLY ARE undersea bugs tho

Hell, just look at Louie Gohmert.

Bed, schmed. All a sweet sweet lady like me needs is to be topped by a disease-free jazz lover and then to go help homeless people brush their teeth. You can save the beds for the atheists.

And let's be clear: the same people who enacted these restrictions to promote the "culture of life" are also working to cut food stamp spending and other assistance for lower income people, a majority of whom are actual, living children. Because they care oh so much.

Mark, what Selena did is inexcusable. It is a place of worship and you respect that. I have lived in Dubai for 5 years by choice and I respect the customs and social expectations here because I am a guest of the UAE. If I don't like it then I leave. It is no different than going into St. Peter's and doing the same

As I have a penis (edit, and identify as male) and spend an inordinate amount of time happily reading Jezebel, I'd like to thank all of Jezebels readers and writers for not making ham handed threats of deadly violence against me. Or as most people call it: acting like a normal fucking human being!

Kind of hoping for this one:

Mad isn't the right word.

What is even happening there? That is amazing. Is she a Terminator robot assassin taking out the whole room??