
He is a stupid, thoughtless man. Someone needs to send him a copy of "Wisconsin Death Trip". That's if he can read.

I would like to add that by "just" I don't mean it is no big deal or not violent! I'm trying to say that rapists are not "tough", they are nasty little predators who prey on women, and drugged women at that!!

Apparently if they are very violent rapists,and very predatory, then they are put in solitary. A lot of men who rape women won't step up to men, especially violent men, in jail. They take out their violence on women. These guys in particular just drugged someone and took advantage. (And by "just" I certainly

Interesting. Where is your info from?

I have been informed that rapists go to the PC (protective custody) yard. They are in there with child molesters, other rapists and handicapped prisoners. It was also publicized, and brutal, so they will definitely go there. Basically they go with the weaker prisoners. Also, word is if they go to Chattanooga,

Let's all agree to stop fucking, and fucking with, conservative redneck douchebags.

...because they have money. If they get (oops) pregnant, they will go on a quick "holiday" and come back refreshed, as would their relatives. If they have the baby, it's helpful that they have access to money and good healthcare. The men in their lives will happily "let" them have political positions as long as they

Yes, because for them it was "different".

There are lots and lots of problems in this country. Let's list some: environmental damage and control of said damage, the faulty education system and the overloaded teachers, cuts to child welfare services and programs for women and children, lack of good jobs, the favoring of kissing corporations asses to the

Burble burble nostalgia burble red white and blue bunting babble ye olden dayes mumble '90's power outfit sorta mutter values of yesteryear mumble political position that I would be nowhere NEAR if it hadn't been for that "awful" Feminism babble bread bags.

I agree. She comes across as a privileged person who was young enough to still be in the "Why doesn't everybody do the Right Thing, just like me?" mindset. Then along came Life and tripped her up, just fancy that!

This "man" deserves nothing except to end up alone in a cheap pine box.

After reading the article, the replies, and then reflecting on my own really need their parents, and need them to be as good as they can be. Any kid or adult who doesn't communicate with their parents anymore has a damn good reason, because it's not fun or easy out there by yourself.

Maybe they can put stress the potential-girl-in-question to the point that she miscarries or commits suicide. There you go, another pesky slut-ho done away with, and no one had to get one of those inhumane abortion-things! Everyone goes home happy.

If they could rig up a sex doll to nod dutifully a lot and work on a computer, he'd be all set.

Nobody actually told him this. He said "I break the mold of male stereotypes" while on a date and they nodded and kept drinking.

All I can think is this: if you force people into a corner and take away everything they have to lose, they will act like they have nothing left to lose. Also, stop sleeping with and marrying Republicans.

I used to visit a Buddhist monastery that was a silent order, they required that you please not carry radios and play music on their property. (We visited to buy their milk and cookies) Would you roll through there blasting music, or shouting and laughing?

No one cares about his stupid site. It's probably just full of the same shit we all get bombarded with all day every day on the Internet anyway. Damn, I come here for a quiet read and sometimes I need to bring a earth mover to get the damn trolls out of the way. I have no need to make a special trip to "hate

The decomposition was affecting the baby, as determined by the doctors. There was no lovely mother's voice for this potential baby to hear as we apparently rip them limb from limb. If it was that big it may have made it. It was TOO SMALL. It was in a rotting shell. The doctors determined it would not live.