
I think you are absolutely right. I think people DO have an image of a perfectly intact body just laying there peacefully. This really points out how little a lot of people know about the realities of life, birth and death. Including me.

I was first "begged" when I was very young, and all it did was make me dislike the guy, wonder what was wrong with men in general and be upset. No hotness occurred.

Yup!! She is his sister

I'm so sorry :-(

I will be going to work while my husband is in another state visiting his grandparents.

Yes indeed. Like watching a big crowd of tourists in St Peter's stampede past a sign,(with cameras crossed out on it and QUIET PLEASE PRIVATE CHAPEL FOR PRAYER in several languages)straight into said chapel, cameras clicking and flashing.

I know the guy is miserable, which is bad, BUT this is one time I'd love to hear her side. It really doesn't sound like he made lots of efforts to be romantic with her, just let things slide and maybe went "ahem" on his Birthday. Then they moved away. She might be very stressed and lonely, but we don't know/hear it.

It sounds like your SO is nice and comfy where he is. I don't know your situation totally but is it the kind of household where things tick along smoothly? (Apart from the sex part) He may like his life, be comfortable but not really willing to go the extra, awkward mile and address the elephant in the room,

I have never seen a Christian comedy. Are they as terrible as the God Pop they play on Christian stations? Coz that crap is like someone turned unflavored gelatin into a sound.

Mince pies are delicious! Boozy fruit in pastry shells with whipped cream. So damn good! Use vegetable shortening though, and the meat is long gone...the old days of "let's stretch the meat by putting more crap with it" don't have to be adhered to any more.

Yes to all of this. He was an asshole, and when he met her again he didn't even stop to apologize, he just thought "Oh, well, this lady has smartly "remade" herself into something I find acceptable now, I'm sure she will be thrilled to find I now approve of her!" Hence the dinner invite and not an apology for being

Thank you, I'm really just whining I guess, I'll circle the room, smile and hold a drink then run away. :)

Mine is tomorrow. I want to "not go" so badly. I can't do forced merriment or small talk, and I really can't cut loose because bosses/early workday next day. Ugh.

No, no no. Jesus just cares about rich white people. He just wants a big church with nice colorful windows to hang out in, you know, like a social club! Don't muddle it up with things like REAL INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE, or SOCIAL JUSTICE. Pssssssh.

I always run up to them and slap them in the face, because HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!

It's true. My ex also travelled a lot for work,( and no he wasn't a rapist) social media wasn't quite as widespread as it is now, so really I had no idea what was going on. There is also a " code" where if you see someone cheating you really don't say anything because it's not your business, etc. I don't blame them

You are right. I have been drawing since I was 3 or 4, and seeing them now they are cute but most definitely done by a 3 or 4 year old. My younger sister went through the same thing, wafting around the room at the grand old age of 9 reading Romantic Poetry and pretending to like it. They seem like smart kids

I'm not From Ireland, I'm from England and you never speak ill of fairies or little people. Also don't mess with fairy rings!

I would have been in like Flynn.

They (meaning these stupid trolls) can all learn how to suck each other. I'll never understand the total irrational hatred of porn stars or sex workers by the exact same people who pay money to see them and their work.