
Touching on the FB and social media situation: I have definitely seen what my friend calls "fitness porn" on my feed. Pics of super ripped people and detailed descriptions of their all-day fitness goals. It just replaced pics of girls in bikinis. Put up a picture of a power lifter and people aren't quite so

I had my tubes tied 9 years ago (I'm 41) and it was the best decision I ever made. I had asked myself over and over again if i wanted kids and no, I did not. After much faffing about with different bc types I was over it. After my divorce I asked my gyno (very pro-woman, awesome) She was hesitant at first as I had

I wish I had your skills! It took me two months to organize a MMF threesome (I was the F) after many failed attempts. After letdowns, backouts and STD testing it finally happened. Was it worth it? Yesssssss.

God DAMN the guy (or girl) who brings a guitar to the party. We're trying to get drunk, not pretend to like your music.

I think it's utterly pathetic. Sobbing over plastic toys and indulging in some woe-is-me bullshit while women and families struggle with lack of money, lack of jobs, nose diving prenatal and maternal care to name but a few issues...I bet ( I may be wrong) that she does nothing about helping real live people in need.

Do you have any links by chance?

Is there a website that has names and stories for the women who died, (and in some places are still dying) from illegal abortions and lack of help and treatment for pregnancies that killed them? Or would it just be trolled by asshats yelling "WHORE" over and over again?

We get it, you don't like tattoos. It's ok to not like tattoos. I just don't see it a something to get really snotty about. Everyone will just carry on getting tattoos and enjoying them, while you sneer and act superior. Carry on!

Yeah, be pretty awkward to ask some hot doc: "So I have a discharge and a funky smell going on. Can you help a lady out?"

I understand feeling super uncomfortable. However I did ask a customer of mine, who was in medical school to be a ob-gyn, why he picked that. He replied that he never thought he would like it, but after studying it he loved it. He said that he loved bringing a new life into the world, being part of the start of

I just read through this thread and I'm gobsmacked. Either he really was the most oblivious man ever or a top level troll. I've never seen so many plainly stated replies brushed aside, and when someone finally got huffy with his obliqueness he was all offended. Either he's so blind he can't see how his own behavior

Take those fucking vests off of those pieces of feces.

Oh for goodness sake, no one cares about that! As long as that baby comes out of you when they say it can you can kick rocks, fuck your health!

A guy at work is short, barrel chested and stocky. One day I came to work and he had shorts on showing his impressively huge calfs (calves?) and all day I fantasized about the damn things. I love how stocky he is! One day he was joking on himself for gaining weight, I'm all casual, like "oh rly? Hmmm" On the inside

I once met an artist who started to talk about the Dali museum in his Israeli accent. Le Swoon.

Haha mine too! He thinks it's so weird...

Jeremy Renner yeeeesssssssss

Why is being "nice" such a massive accomplishment? You're SUPPOSED to be pleasant (aka "nice") when interacting with people, you're not shoving your dick in someone's face and telling them to "take your meat" or whatever, all of a sudden women should be so grateful they immediately want a hot date?

I guess that's all he had in his fancy bag of Lady-Gettin' Tricks.

You will eventually be completely fine. :)