
I’m not even a “traditional animation or bust” kind of guy, but there’s something weirdly uncanny about this particular look that just bothers me. The motion of everything just somehow?

To be fair, it seems like the FTC was already MS’s enemy. First there was the Internet Explorer nonsense way back when, now this lawsuit, even though Sony has the dominant share of the console market and routinely uses anti-competitive tactics like paying devs/pubs to exclude or delay their Xbox releases.

anyone who pledges to support her monetarily is also a transphobe’ and comments like that, where people say ‘you’re x if you y’, immediately draw my ire. Give me a reason that’s substantiated, not a threat of your perception of me shifting.

There’s a huge difference between trying to find vulnerabilities in firmware and optimizing a DB script to run .00001 seconds faster. No idea what the guy expected he’d be able to add besides sucking off daddy Elon.

Did... did you just compare being anti-AI artwork to pedophilia?

 Try again when you figure out what words mean.

 Brevity is the soul of wit.

Damn bro that’s a hell of a stretch.

touch grass

Sure. The question, though unintentionally, is a strawman. It assumes that A) all the AI is doing is what artists do, and B) we would be fine with any artist doing what the AI is doing.

Both are wrong.

Because that’s not what the AI is doing, not what artists do, and using AI as a responsibility-launderer for the

Show me an AI that doesn’t need to be trained to create art after seeing art created by others, and I’ll show you a true AI. What’s that? No AI has come close to that level? My five year old niece was drawing and coloring long before she understood what drawing, coloring, or art was, so our “artificial intelligences”

In fairness to them, a lot of the tech bros who argue “AI keyword art is the future, get over your firing, loser artists!” can’t really empathize because nobody has yet programmed an AI who can convincingly live off a trust fund and demand Pop Tarts and chicken nuggets from the basement while playing authentic

You’re not going to convince these folks. They literally don’t care about the theft involved, and they don’t even understand the underlying data collection well enough to understand that theft actually happened, and they don’t care to. It’s ALL strawmen about how we’re Luddites who don’t understand that the AIs are,

That update fromUnstable Diffusion is super gross. What are they creating. AI generated art doesn’t create anything out of nothing. It needs art to exist. you’re not creating, you’re stealing.

I get it can be difficult to understand when you lack the imagination and expertise to make something yourself.

I am very thankful that no one protested the use of computers to generate art a few decades ago”


I agree IF, and only if, the AI in use is trained on artwork either created by the person using it, or informed, opt-in volunteers. That’s not how most of them work. Most datasets are trained from art scraped all around the internet.

Yep, that too. We can probably throw in public voting polls dictating if he will/wont reinstate them like it’s a game, too.

Uh, what do you consider “completely unhinged insane” because banning journalist you don’t agree with is already considered that by many people, myself included.