@paperispatient: I know, right. And probably not completely the fault of the sex. More having to do with the fact that he doesn't want commitment and my stupid ass heart is convinced it wants to marry him. Bad heart! Bad! Bad! No!
@paperispatient: I know, right. And probably not completely the fault of the sex. More having to do with the fact that he doesn't want commitment and my stupid ass heart is convinced it wants to marry him. Bad heart! Bad! Bad! No!
@paperispatient: Oh man. That mirrors my current situation frighteningly closely. Except he told me that he didn't have feelings for me. And then told me that if you really like someone you'll chase them. And then told me he really liked this other girl. And then kissed me. So not that much the same, really. …
Until three months ago I was a virgin and had it all figured out. Then I had sex. And I completely lost my mind. I thought I could rationalize sex, and that all those whiney, pining, soppy, crying girls were doing it wrong. Now I am one of them. *le sigh*
@Atsumi: In my case it's more of an unrequited love situation as opposed to an actual breakup. More a slow crushing sensation instead of fiery anger.
As someone experiencing her first heartbreak, it's at least comforting to know that there's been no arson involved... yet.
So I have a poodle, and one of my coworkers is a groomer. She has agreed to cut my dog's hair in a zany fashion. I need inspiration. Help me. There will be no dye as it rubs off on furniture like crazy.
This article inspired me to go look at adorable baby clothes, and it's near impossible to find anything that doesn't shout, "I'm a boy" or "I'm a princess"! I feel like its gotten worse in the last few years too. When I was younger, and my aunts were having their first kids, they all got unisex items, even when they…
@effgeevee: there was some definite eeeeeeee-ing on my part. Now I have nostalgia for 8th grade and encore-wow
Holy shit! The tribe. When I was in middle school, my bff and I would get up super early on Sunday mornings to watch this show on some weird channel, because we live in Wisconsin and not New Zealand. Ahh, memories... But yeah, the "fashion" on that show was crazy. Not in a bad way - I love the whole post…
No, Booth, no!
@vikkybee: Yeah, it's totally awesome. I'm a crazy dog lady.
Dude - I work at a doggie daycare. Don't judge.
@andheartss haz it: Yes —- Oh snap!
I believe this warrants an "Oh, snap!"
@AmosTrue: There is Cinco, the chorizo, Frankie Furter, the hot dog, Brett Wurst, the brat, and Guido, the Italian. Not pictured is Stosh, the Polish Kielbasa.
Hehehe. The sausage races were always my favorite part of a Brewer's baseball game. Some dickhead player once hit the Italian sausage on the head with a baseball bat. Sportsmanship FAIL.
@SusanDeath: Thanks for the advice everybody! I'm still a little freaked out, but hearing what all of you have to say is comforting none the less.
@SusanDeath: Yeah, this is definitely the way things are going. He's being really nice about everything, not pushing me. It's more that I am freaking out because I don't know what this means for me.
@LutherNipperkin: I'm definitely leaning on the side of caution here, at least when I'm not around him. When we're together, I tend to stop thinking straight. But I can talk to him, which is a very good thing.