

I think we do a major disservice when we depict animals like chimpanzees as basically people and tigers as large house cats and so forth. Most people have no idea how dangerous chimpanzees are, that they wage wars against other groups and literally tear enemy chimpanzees apart. There are light years of distance

It honestly happens in both directions, though, too. I was reading an interesting article the other day about intra-operative anesthesia provided to neonates, and how LITTLE we know about the experience of pain in the developing neural system. And why do we know so little? Well, partly because it’s ethically really

I don’t understand why the pushback against these bills doesn’t focus on the medical implications. I believe these decisions should be made by the pregnant woman with guidance from her doctor and input from whomever she deems relevant. Obviously, anti-choicers disagree. BUT they’re always going on and on about how

It also seems like torture for the baby. Why put it through the trauma of birth (because the womb is really a more comfortable environment for newborns—they’re just too big at that point so they get evicted) only to suffer pain and die shortly thereafter? Maybe in some cases there are emotional benefits for the

A friend of mine who’s very pro-life (and anti-death penalty, btw) had heartbreaking outcomes with two of her pregnancies. Both had severe congenital problems, but she decided to carry them to term. That was her choice. I certainly wouldn’t have gone through it, but she had a very strong support system and very strong

It’s a sadistic way of reinforcing the myth that women- and indeed infants with no chance at life- should prove the sanctity of life through unimaginable suffering.

Should probably try to reformulate the pro-choice argument in the south so that it’s less about women’s rights (which they don’t give a damn about) and try to make it sound more like property rights or gun rights (which they do care about).

An article by a favorite author that should be required reading on the subject.

Chris Matthews also asked Trump if the father of the child should be punished for the abortion and he hemmed and hawed and said no. It really made me suspicious, because it seemed like Chris had touched a nerve there.

This is why the argument agaist the existence of pay inequality that suggests that people would be more inclined to hire women if they’re paid less, because it would save them money is so frustratingly wrong. People don’t just arbitrarily pay women less for fun, they do it because, consiciously or not, they think that

Well, at least now there’s a solution to the whole “CEOs are grossly overpaid” situation: more women in executive roles!

YES! My husband is a great example. Like, he’s well-intentioned, he’s not someone who goes around bad-mouthing the poor for being lazy or stupid, but there are a ton of things he just didn’t think about.

Yep. The majority of the retractions aren’t “I was raped, jk just said that for fun!”... they might be more like, “I was raped, now I’m ostracized in this small town, my parents think I’m sullied and dirty, and I’m getting harassed by people who think it’s impossible that the rapist could do such a thing.”

I feel like everyone on this post should watch Lost Girl. A bisexual succubus who kicks ass with her human best friend but they are not lovers and have one of the best female friendships on television.

I cannot disagree. I do think though that it’s a shame how most women’s rapist is an acquaintance and how they then have to naviagate their feelings and perceptions of that person. It is such an abuse. Really horrible.

I should wager it feels dishonest to me. Like it was sex and that element is so undeniable. I think some of the discourse surround rape as an act of power sidelines the sexual element. Obviously, there are multiple ways to enact ones power over another and without highlighting that it becomes indistinguishable. For

Honestly, this would be a reason for me to stop counting until I could come to terms with it.

Using to science to bring you the smartphone, cars, air conditioning, etc. that’s science we can trust! Science used for medicine, discovering the universe... whoa whoa... that’s up to debate. Funny how religions clearly made scientific exceptions for your unlimited data plan and hybrid mini-van, but cursed everything