
@Atomic Bowling: How do you feel about this season of Bones so far? I feel like the writing is different, more gimmicky and twee somehow. I don't know. It's my favorite show, and it's still good, I just don't know quite how I feel about the last few episodes.

@LaurieStrodeTheBoatAshore: When I was in middle school, my great uncle died. He was a priest and very philosophical and overall just a great person.

@RiloKilo: While I love some well placed snark as much as anyone else here, it does seem like its the only way people know how to respond to things these days. Whatever happened to being earnest? It's almost disarming when somebody says something completely genuine and un-malicious in response to certain subjects.

Grace is my almost name. It didn't really (I was a rather ugly and unpleasant infant), so they went with Catherine instead. It's definitely a better fit, but I still hold a soft spot for Grace, so it may end up the name of my hypotheticalfuturedaughter.

@ihateyourescalade: oranges and a humidifier, my friend, oranges and a humidifier.

@KitCatCadillac: I would give examples myself, but my brain is currently fried.

So I was at work today, listening to top 40 radio (don't hate me!), singing Maroon 5 and pretending I was on American Idol (you know you do it too!), and it occurred to me, some songs get really weird/creepy if you change the she to a he. Examples?

@Erda: I haven't started Firefly yet, but I just finished BSG (OMG!), so I'm thinking that Firefly is up next, though I haven't seen much of X-files or twin peaks yet, so there's that. I have discovered that my recent geekdom requires hard work, and many heart wrenching decisions.

You know, all of these songs were played at my Catholic high school dances post 2001. Because they are classics, dammit! All except for "I want to sex you up", which we replaced with "Ice, Ice Baby" awesomeness.

@LuvEwan: Oh. My. Gah. You are me. Seriously. I haven't kissed anyone since I was sixteen, and honestly, that wasn't much of a kiss at all. I'm not especially outgoing, which doesn't help, and I am definitely socially awkward, but seriously, nothing? Nothing at all? I have taken to calling myself asexual by

I thought of this when I saw The Office last night.

@token_illiterate_commenter: You know, this is really where my indecision comes in. I am a lapsed Catholic, and I disagree with A LOT of what the Church teaches. But I grew up with three wonderful uncles who were priests, and knew some fantastic, thoughtful, and intelligent people who were active in the church. So

@morninggloria: I don't know how many times the pope has to say it. Those were NOT Prada shoes! They were custom made for the pope by his private cobbler! Sheesh.

@braak: See, this is what I really want. I don't want to be not Catholic, I want all the child-rapists and homophobes and birth control haters OUT. I still want to keep the awesome fish fries and patron saints and incense. And maybe the Jesuits.

Oh Simon Baker, you and your sexy glasses.... *trails off into incoherence*