
Now, NOW BSG must win!!

yeesh. I'm not a sentimental person at all. But even I am getting a little misty eyed here.

Nooooooo! Snoopy died?

@KitCatCadillac: um... yeah... It better win something. ...I got a little over-exited there with the clips and all.

dammit, BSG better win!!!!

Mmm... Simon Baker. That is all.

@bookling: They are throwing TYPICAL out the window this year, haven't you heard?

@englishbreakfasttasteslikedarj...: I watched that show. Except the last couple seasons I got super confused with all the people coming and going. And I never did figure out what happened to her father.

Dude, somebody's got some major smoker's cough. Or bronchitis. Either way it sounds painful.

@bookling: I know. I mean, Alec Baldwin has a whole shelf of these things, right? And Charlie Sheen sucks.

@unmoldednicole: Methinks he is a future member of the "five-timers" club.

I'm getting a bathrobe vibe from Leighton Meister (sp?), with all that bunching around the shoulders.

@midwestdesigner: I think you could have "The Final Countdown" as the soundtrack to anything, and it would always be awesome. The unicorns just pushed it over the top into uber-awesomeness. And I say this as a diehard mac devotee.

@englishbreakfasttasteslikedarj...: It seems like shows need to have huge audiences right off the bat for them to have any chance of staying on air. So Pushing Daisies, which was fantastic, but stylistically quirky so not necessarily appealing to everyone, didn't seem to have much of a chance.

@KitCatCadillac: meh, just not a fan. It's not like it offends me, but it caught me off guard a little.

Oh how I envy Blake Lively's skin. Not crazy about the hair, but man, she is glowing.

Ack! Justin Timberlake with dark brown hair! Do not like!

@willwriteforfood: Yes! to BSG. That show had consistently fantastic directing, acting, writing, everything. It definitely did not get the love it deserves outside of the geeky circles. And I am also watching purely for the NPH.