@RiotGrrrl: But test it before you spray everything. When my dog was a puppy, we sprayed all of the christmas ornaments. Turns out she can't get enough of the stuff. Lucky for her, she has an iron stomach that can digest glass.
@RiotGrrrl: But test it before you spray everything. When my dog was a puppy, we sprayed all of the christmas ornaments. Turns out she can't get enough of the stuff. Lucky for her, she has an iron stomach that can digest glass.
@andromache: I have read parts of it, and yeah, it's kind of messed up.
His eyes look like my uncle's after he would drink from the air conditioner.
FYI, I was down here today, and the ad is gone now. There is a "help hungry children" poster now. The pattern here seems to be to put up an edgy, progressive poster, then take it down a few days later and replace it with something completely inoffensive.
@curiousgeorgiana: I have three tiny chocolate bunnies left. They are all different colors. I have my period. There is no ice cream. The only solution left to me is to eat them all. But then there are no more foil covered chocolates until St. Nick. And Pick n' Save does not sell $100,000 bars. My brain has…
@schweppes: It was my understanding that ovulation while on the pill indicates that the hormones in the pill have not suppressed the body's production of hormones, at least those required to ovulate. And while fertilized eggs may or may not implant, the rates at which they do so have not shown to differ…
@youbehim: I'm going on Accutane in a couple of months, and in my area, it is actually illegal to take it if you aren't on birth control. They wont even give you a prescription unless you take a blood test to prove you are not pregnant, can prove that you are taking the pill, and sign a contract promising to use a…
@Lazy Line Painter Jane: Add Cillian Murphy and you have a trifecta.
@beckalina: I am so googling this now.
@beckalina: I am so googling this now.
@jeska: I get that from my little cousins sometimes. They don't mean it to be nasty, but it sure doesn't help the self-esteem. Somewhat more hilarious was when a cousin came up to me and loudly yelled "you have boobies!" during a family party.
@velcrosneakers: I went to school with a Ramen. His occasional nickname was "The Noodle".
@thejoyofsound: You know, I like the name Amber. It sounds nice and warm and smooth to me.
@evility: Living near the city of Madison, Wisconsin, I have luckily been spared much of what I now realize is a plague of Madisons. Unfortunately, the Kayden, Caden, Aaiden, Braden, Jayden, etc trend is still in full force.
@sleepeatread: I know there was an episode where he wanted to name his child Seven, but his friends stole it.
@sleepeatread: Wasn't there an episode where he talked about naming his child "Seven Costanza"? And then some of his friends stole the name!
@joq8: I like to call it "Axl Rose" syndrome.
@normawilahmina: Indeed, I just passed it on the bus this morning. They always put the "controversial" posters on that bus shelter.
@LizzieBennet-Darcy: There was an episode of Bones about it. Spencer Breslin was the father of a bunch of the babies.
@Kiki Dee: Is there any way she can get a Valium or Xanax or something? I've gotten one before having teeth pulled, and it was a life saver. I had five teeth removed under local anesthetic on two separate occasions, and there were no problems, as I was pretty relaxed. I did have my wisdom teeth removed while…