
@elliotellsworth: ooh, having something to look forward too at the end of the week always helps. It is so much easier to get through a hard day when you know that tomorrow you get to do something that you love.

@anteup: Ew, labs are terrible. They should definitely count for more than one credit! I was in the same boat last semester, with two classes, and one lab. I didn't do great, but I passed. Really, what I learned is to break things up into little chunks. I always think that I can just do everything in one big

@KitCatCadillac: On the other hand, I have seen, and experienced, medications go seriously, horribly wrong. There is a reason that there is more than one drug, and that all of them are prescribed by doctors. They can be dangerous, and need to be treated with care. Not all doctors are qualified to deal with mental

I used to think that being on meds made me weak. That it was cheating to let chemicals do the work of recovery for me. That I was not good enough, and a bad person for not being able to do it on my own. Wow. Even typing it makes me feel messed up. And it makes me realize how fucked those beliefs were. It was

@QoB: I have seen Mama Mia! But the suggestion of The History boys is noted. And @twisted_martini: I have been thinking about reading the book.

@betterbearockstar: unfortunately, I own The Mists of Avalon on DVD. I tell myself it's worth it for the Michael Vartan sex scenes.

@all Great answers everyone! I'm pretty open about my celeb crushes, even the nerdy ones. ... But recently I've been watching this so-bad-it's-good direct-to-syndication TV show called Legend of the Seeker. I know, I know, I'm terrible. The guy in that is pretty hot. There was a google incident with my friend,

@WaltzingMatilda: My mom found out my Jez name, and a couple of friends I've turned on to Jezebel would totally know it's me, so I've tried to change it, but my account won't let me do it. Oh well.

@goodgirlrevolution: I've only been reading for a few months and I'm a bit nostalgic. I feel like there are fewer discussions and funny threads now. Or threads in general. Or maybe I'm imagining it. But there still are a bunch of commenters here that I love to read, and Jezebel is still consistently the most

So... who is the celebrity crush you won't admit having to your friends?

I watched "The Duchess" this week, and while it wasn't a fantastic movie, Dominic Cooper was smokin' hot in it. For serious. And now I have to reconcile my desire to watch that movie repeatedly with the fact that it wasn't that good (it was a downer, but very pretty).

@gennie.catastrophe: My last name is German, and is mispronounced more often than not. But on one strange occasion my first name was mispronounced. My first name is Catherine. That was a head-scratcher. I think Genevieve is a lovely name - it makes me think of the little dog that saved Madeline from drowning in

@I_can_still_pitch: *raises hand* Rose seems to be pretty common. ... Anne, Marie, Leigh, Lynn, Elizabeth, and Rose. Yup, that covers quite a lot or ground. I might also add Jane.

@kkatt: I am a Catherine Ann. Both are pretty common, although I went by Catherine, instead of the more usual Katie or Cate. Now I generally go by Cat, Kitty, or Kit-Kat. An attempt at Kiki was horribly botched and is brought up by my best friend to this day. I prefer to think of my name as "classic", rather that

@erinna: Madison, WI is a pretty cool place. Very laid back, at least in the summer, but tons of interesting and educational places to go. And there's fantastic food and shopping. I'm also partial to Seward and Wasilla, Alaska. My trip there was luckily Palin free.

@GirlSailor:Thereis very little in this world more disgusting than a squishy pickle.

@KitCatCadillac:Very interesting, everybody... Things of note in my fridge include 2 jars of pickles, 2 cans of whipped cream, various condiments, salad dressings, clamato juice (ew), and 5 jars of boullion. I don't really know how any of this got in there, except that the whipped cream was a gift.

@tiredfairy: Oooh, tell me more. What was it like? I came "out of the closet", so to speak, geek-wise, a few months ago. I've always been a bit of a nerd, but I've really blossomed lately. Discovering BSG pushed me over the edge. It's absolutely overwhelming what's out there. And I ditto the "insanely jealous"